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When The Microbiome Goes Wrong And Promotes Cancer

When The Microbiome Goes Wrong And Promotes Cancer

Science is always making advances because it is not absolute, having some gray areas and nuanced scenarios where mechanistic discoveries are often identified. Take antioxidants for example, they are good right, but what happens when they are not? Researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer Research set out to …

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High Fat & Protein Diets May Worsen Hospital Infections

High Fat & Protein Diets May Worsen Hospital Infections

According to a UNLV animal study C. difficile infections may be exacerbated by diets that are high fat or high protein while a high carb diets may help to eliminate symptoms. CDI is an intestinal infection that can be acquired after antibiotics have eliminated the good bacteria in the gut. Researchers from the University of …

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