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How Some Gut Microbes Awaken 'Zombie' Viruses In Their Neighbors

How Some Gut Microbes Awaken 'Zombie' Viruses In Their Neighbors

Gut bacteria brew all sorts of chemicals, but we don’t know what most of them do. A new study suggests that one such compound, previously linked to cancer, may serve as a bizarre weapon in microbial skirmishes. Some gut bacteria have a spooky superpower: they can reanimate dormant viruses lurking within other microbes. This viral …

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The Impact Of Drugs On Gut Microbes Is Greater Than We Thought

Preventing Obesity through Gut Bacteria

We are one of the most medicated generations of humans to live on our planet. Cardiometabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes, obesity, and coronary artery disease continue to increase in prevalence and together constitute the highest cause of mortality worldwide. Affected people often have to take multiple daily medications for months or even years. Researchers …

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Diet, Gut Microbes, and Immunity

A gut feeling: Understanding how our gut microbiome communicates with our immune system

The cliché “you are what you eat” has been used for hundreds of years to illustrate the link between diet and health. Now, an international team of researchers has found the molecular proof of this concept, demonstrating how diet ultimately affects immunity through the gut microbiome. The work, conducted in mice, reveals that what animals …

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Does Gut Bacteria Find Its Way To The Brain?

Senolytics Improve Physical Function And Increase Lifespan

Gut microbes are known to have powerful effects on health, but can some of these bacteria be finding their way to the brain? Attention has been drawn to this subject with high resolution microscopes images of bacteria that are penetrating and inhabiting cells of healthy human brains at the annual meeting of the Society for …

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More Bad News For Artificial Sweetener Fans

More Bad News For Artificial Sweetener Fans

Artificial sweeteners have been found to have toxic effects on gut microbes in a collaborative study investigating relative toxicity of aspartame, sucralose, neotame, saccharine, acesulfame potassium-k, advantame, and sport supplements containing these artificial sweeteners with findings indicating that bacteria found in the digestive system became toxic when exposed to 6 sweeteners even at low concentrations. …

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