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Women Have More Guts Than Men, Literally

Good' Donor Bacteria Can Last Long Term in Stool Transplant Patients

As it turns out women have more guts than men, literally. A study published in the journal PeerJ has revealed that women have longer small intestines than men do, by around 30 cm, and researchers from North Carolina State University believe that this could help women to deal with stress better.  Women may be on …

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Possibility Of Poop Capsule Treatment?

Possibility Of Poop Capsule Treatment?

Probiotics may have healing powers, but specificity matters, you can’t overload any bacteria and expect result to be only beneficial; destroying harmful bacteria can cause chaos in microbiome ecosystems, and probiotic use can result in accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine that may result in disorienting brain fogginess and belly bloating. Excrement holds keys …

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