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Vitamin A Plays Central Roles In Stem Cell Biology And Wound Repair

Vitamin A Plays Central Roles In Stem Cell Biology And Wound Repair

Whenever we cut ourselves stem cells rush to the rescue, growing new epidermis to cover the wound. But only some of these stem cells are normally dedicated to replenishing the epidermis that ultimately protects our body. Other stem cells are former hair follicle stem cells that usually promote hair growth but will also respond to …

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The Healthy Groom: Integrating Wellness into Daily Grooming Routines

The Healthy Groom: Integrating Wellness into Daily Grooming Routines

Most people believe that grooming is all about your physical appearance. However, there is so much more that comes from a daily grooming routine. It helps promote self-care and self-improvement attributed to more than just your appearance. Grooming is involved in your overall wellness, along with other necessary aspects like nutrition and exercise. Cleanliness, hygiene, …

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Hair Loss And Prostate Drug May Cut Risk Of Heart Disease

Hair Loss And Prostate Drug May Cut Risk Of Heart Disease

A drug commonly used to treat male pattern baldness and enlarged prostate in millions of men around the globe may also provide surprising and life-saving benefits according to research from the University of Illinois published in the Journal of Lipid Research, suggesting that it may lower cholesterol and cut the overall risk of developing cardiovascular …

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Could a Drug Prevent Hearing Loss from Loud Music and Aging?

Hearing Aids May Reduce The Risk Of Early Death

A person’s hearing can be damaged by loud noise, aging and even certain medications, with little recourse beyond a hearing aid or cochlear implant. But now, UCSF scientists have achieved a breakthrough in understanding what is happening in the inner ear during hearing loss, laying the groundwork for preventing deafness. The research, published on Dec. …

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Genetic Links May Lead To Treatment For Male Pattern Hair Loss

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

Research into male pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) has implicated multiple common genetic variants for a receding hairline, total loss of hair from the crown, and ultimately the classical horseshoe-shaped pattern of baldness. Recent research from the University Hospital of Bonn (UKB) performed a systematic investigation of the extent to which rare genetic variants may …

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Sweet Potato May Help Infants Sleep And Boost Their Immune System

Most infants love a nice bowl of smooshy sweet potatoes, and many parents love to watch their babies delight in playing in the bowl while eating it, the photo opportunities produced are adored for decades to come and make a great wedding day memory slideshow giggle.  As it turns out there may be some long-term …

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Study Links 'Stuck' Stem Cells To Hair Turning Gray

Study Links 'Stuck' Stem Cells To Hair Turning Gray

Certain stem cells have a unique ability to move between growth compartments in hair follicles, but get stuck as people age and so lose their ability to mature and maintain hair color, a new study shows. Led by researchers from NYU Grossman School of Medicine, the new work focused on cells in the skin of …

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Hair Care Essentials After You’ve Dyed Your Hair

Gray Hair Linked To Immune System

Have you ever gotten your hair dyed impulsively? You’re not alone. Many of us have made the grave mistake of getting our hair colored when we know almost nothing about maintaining them.  Nowadays, it’s easy to walk into a salon and get your tresses dyed. But hair color also needs maintenance — so what will …

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Flax Seeds Health Benefits and How to Get Them

Can Flaxseeds Help You Lose Weight?

The nutritious, nutty-tasting flax seeds, also known as the Alsi seeds, are a popular superfood rich in nutrition. These healthy seeds can be found everywhere in the world and used in different forms, with significant benefits like improved skin, improved gut health, better hair, etc.  You can use it in your smoothies, add it to …

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Of mice and men: Treating acne with systemic antibiotics can have unintended consequences on the maturing skeleton during adolescence

FDA Approved A New Active Ingredient To Target Hormonal Acne

During adolescence, sex hormones drive significant physiologic changes. One of the most universal, and sometimes distressing, experiences during adolescence is the development of acne — a skin condition that results from the plugging of hair follicles with oil and dead skin cells. For some individuals whose acne is resistant to topical therapies, systemic antibiotics are …

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