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Cold Showers May Improve Circulation And Productivity


Most people prefer to have a nice relaxing hot shower in the morning, but some opt to have a cold shower to jump start their day, a study even shows cold showers will make you more likely to go to work. A study led by the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam revealed that cold showers …

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Aloe Vera: The Wonder Plant Of Immortality

Aloe Vera: The Wonder Plant Of Immortality

Very few plants possess the soothing properties of the aloe vera plant which is often called the wonder plant of immortality that has been used as a natural remedy around the globe due to its potent healing properties.  Aloe vera is used as a common ingredient in cosmetics, food supplements, herbal remedies, skincare, moisturizers, and …

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Gut Friendly Lentils

Replacing Potatoes And Rice With Lentils

Lentils are an edible seed in the legume family that has been harvested for thousands of years. They are loaded with fibre, folate, protein, and carry benefits such as helping to lower cholesterol, improve digestion, enhancing hair growth, and promoting weight loss. Lentils kind of resemble pebble like dried seeds, they are similar to beans, …

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Natural Oils for Aging Beauty Woes

Natural Oils for Aging Beauty Woes

One of the newest Health and Beauty Crazes is the application of natural oils. Afraid they’ll clog your pores, don’t be, they won’t! After all, we’ve been using face creams made of organic foods and cucumbers for decades. Natural or Botanical oils tend to do great things for us, like cleaning, moisturizing, hydrating, tightening and …

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Regenerative Potential Of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Stem Cell Culture Is Moving To The Third Dimension

After the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells in the Nobel Prize winning lab of researcher Shinya Yamanaka at Kyoto University in 2006, the thick morality lined clouds hovering over embryonic stem cell research began to fade away making room for happier times. Stem cells harvested from adults cells rather than embryos are less controversial …

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Raw Garlic Every Day

Raw Garlic Every Day

Hippocrates was one of the first to recommend raw garlic to be consumed every day to improve health. Consuming raw garlic every day can help to grow healthy hair, cure acne, soothe psoriasis, control weight, treat athlete’s foot, and help with ear aches among other uses. Garlic lowers blood pressure and has been used in …

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Uses For Peppermint Oil

Uses For Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties due to its versatility that offers countless benefits, its main component menthol has been studied and found to help with digestion; inflammation; bacterial infection; fatigue; congestion; muscle soreness; allergies; headaches; bad breath; and as a natural bug repellent. Instead of an energy …

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Coconut Oil Can Help Your Skin And Hair Over Winter

Cannabis Coconut Oil

Winter can be rough, especially on skin and hair with the decrease in humidity and increase in wind, snow, and cold temperatures leaving hair lifeless and your skin desperate for moisture. You may want to consider feeding your skin and hair a highly nutritious, moisturizing and protecting compound that can return shine, body, and life …

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Study Appears To Awaken Dormant Hair Follicles

Experimental Drug Reverses Skin Damage And Hair Loss

Participants treated with lead therapeutic candidate injections have experienced average increased hair growth of seven hairs per cm2 in a Phase IIa scalp study. Positive data has been reported by Follicum from their Phase IIa study in the first in man scalp trial to examine the safety and therapeutic effects of different doses of their …

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Gray Hair Linked To Immune System

Gray Hair Linked To Immune System

Loss of hair pigmentation, going gray, has been associated with activation of innate immune system and viral infection, in response to serious illness or chronic stress. Researchers claim to have been able to discover connections between genes which contribute to hair colour and genes which notify bodies of pathogenic infection, as published in the journal …

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