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Glory Days: At Which Age Are We Happiest?

Body Dissatisfaction Can Lead to Eating Disorders at Any Age

What age do you remember being happiest? Are you the happiest now, was it when you were little, perhaps in your teens, maybe when you turned 21, or did your 40th year set the bar to an all-time high? At what age people are the happiness has been studied extensively over the decades, and the …

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Form These 8 Healthy Family Habits for Holistic Health

Having a healthy family is important for both physical and mental well-being. It can be difficult to make sure everyone in the family is getting proper nutrition, plenty of sleep and exercise, and taking care of their mental health. By taking simple steps towards healthier habits, families can make a positive difference in their lives. …

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Study Finds That Active Early Risers Are Happier And Mentally Stronger

Does Sunshine Lower Blood Pressure?

Older adults who consistently get up early and remain active throughout the day are happier and perform better on cognitive tests than those with irregular activity patterns, according to a new study led by University of Pittsburgh researchers. The findings, published online in JAMA Psychiatry, suggest that patterns of activity — not just activity intensity …

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Puppy Love: More Than A Companion

Puppy Love: More Than A Companion

7 in 10 Americans report that they really do consider their dog to be more than a pet, and they may be taking better care of their dogs than they are themselves, according to recent research When it comes to their furry companion friends, over two-thirds of Americans claim that they will spare no expense, …

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6 Lifestyle Changes for Anti-Aging Benefits That are Proven to be Impactful

Stop The Clock: Rules For Immortality

Can aging be reversed or rather prevented? This is a question that most people battle with when looking to invest in their longevity. Aging is normal for all human beings and can be affected by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors.  These factors play a huge role in contributing to the appearance of signs of aging. …

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Benefits of Camping and Tips for Beginners

7 Adventure Sports That You Didn't Know Exist

There is nothing better than escaping the hustle and bustle of the big city and heading out into the wild for a weekend of camping. Hiking through beautiful forests or rugged mountains and falling asleep under a night sky full of stars. While many would argue that taking a trip to an exotic vacation destination …

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Forget Aging Gracefully: Here’s How To Age Joyfully

Forget Aging Gracefully: Here’s How To Age Joyfully

We recently came across this wonderful Ingrid Fetell Lee article and thought that it was far too good not to share, we hope that you enjoy it as much as we did: It was recently my birthday. It wasn’t a “big” birthday — one of those round-numbered ones that feels like a milestone — but …

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Article courtesy of : Nicholas DiNubile MD, who is devoted to keeping you healthy in body, mind, and spirit. “Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ~Berthold Auerbach The sound of music has filled the world since primitive times. In modern times, the invention of MP3’s, MP4’s, iPods, Apple music and …

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Optimists Live Longer & Are Less Likely To Have Heart Problems

Optimists Live Longer & Are Less Likely To Have Heart Problems

According to research, those who are optimists are less likely to die prematurely and less likely to have heart problems.  An unexplained link has been found between a positive attitude and good physical health after analyzing 15 studies which examined correlations between cardiovascular disease, the overall risk of dying, and optimism.  229,391 participants between the …

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Happy Habits Key to Healthy Life

Happy Habits Key to Healthy Life

What are the three positive actions that not only may improve overall satisfaction with life, but coincidentally may promote a healthy life? Each of us has a set of behaviors — the underpinnings of our unique personality. However, oftentimes we repeat established habits that may undermine our capacity to live a satisfying — and healthy …

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