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Potential Treatment & Cause Of Hardening Of The Arteries Identified

Potential Treatment & Cause Of Hardening Of The Arteries Identified

Scientists from the University of Cambridge and King’s College London have identified the mechanism behind hardening of the arteries and have shown a medication used to treat acne may be an effective treatment for the condition, as published in the journal Cell Reports. A poly (ADP ribose) or PAR molecule believed to only exist inside …

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Hardened Arteries Linked To Sleep

Hardened Arteries Linked To Sleep

Researchers have linked increased risk of asymptomatic atherosclerosis with sleeping less than 6 hours or waking up several times in the night. Western societies commonly have bad sleeping habits, previous studies have suggested short and long term sleep is associated with increased risk of CVD, but there is a lack of large studies objectively measuring …

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