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Importance of Employees’ Physical Health

Software Development in Healthcare Industry: Challenges, Opportunities, and Trends

As an employer, it is essential to recognize the importance of employees’ physical health. The health of your employees has a direct impact on your company’s productivity, success, and bottom line. Here are some reasons why. Reduced Absenteeism and Presenteeism When your employees are physically healthy, they are less likely to miss work due to …

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Fear and Its Effect on Someone's Life

Study reveals brain cells that sustain or suppress fearful memories

Fear is a basic human emotion that is designed to protect us from danger and harm. When we sense a threat, our bodies respond in a way that prepares us to fight or flee. This is known as the “fight or flight” response, and it is an instinctual response to fear. In this article, we …

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Impact of Healthcare Apps Worldwide

How Weight Management Platforms Benefit Providers

Mobile apps have become an integral part of every industry, including healthcare. There are more than 350,000 healthcare apps available today, and at least 250 new apps are released daily. In fact, healthcare management apps made up 47% of all apps in 2021.  Embracing mobile app development doesn’t only enable the healthcare industry to stay …

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