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Some Supplements May Harm Your Heart

Exercise Boosts Memory And Thinking Skills

According to Harvard Health Medical School Publishing, there are some supplements that may harm your heart, the labels on the bottle promise better health but these supplements could wind up hurting you, especially those with health conditions and those taking certain medications. Keeping your heart healthy requires a combination of strategies, such as eating a …

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How To Silence Snoring

Snoring Can Be Dangerous

We’ve collected some tips from Harvard Health on snoring. Snoring by itself is generally harmless, but it can be annoying, especially for your bed partner. Fortunately, you can take steps to alleviate the problem. Start by making lifestyle changes and trying simple home remedies to alleviate the problem. You can also try one of the …

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Protecting Your Joints

Protecting Your Joints

Whether you’re pain-free, recovering from an injury, or managing chronic arthritis, you can still protect your hips and knees and prevent additional problems by following these dos and don’ts according to Harvard Health: Do choose low-impact exercise. People with arthritis or injuries should choose low-impact activities to stay in shape with less pain, but anyone …

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i20 Therapeutics Wants To Replace The Syringe With A Pill For Diabetes


The Harvard University offshoot i20 Therapeutics is setting the goal of one day having those who suffer from diabetes to be able to treat it with pills rather than injections with a syringe when they need to take their medications.  Bioengineering researchers began to publish their methods in 2018 for turning liquid medications into encapsulated …

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