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The Powerful Placebo Helping the Brain Heal the Body

The Powerful Placebo Helping the Brain Heal the Body

If you’re feeling unwell, you may turn to medicine to find relief. But how do you know it was the drug that made you feel better? Sometimes, when you expect a treatment to work, it will. This phenomenon is called the placebo effect. Scientists are looking for ways to harness this effect for medical treatments. …

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Wireless smart bandage provides new insights on healing chronic wounds

Self Sealing Wounds

Some wounds just won’t heal. Infections, diseases like diabetes, and suppressed immune systems often stack up to slow healing. Chronic wounds can last months and lead to anxiety and depression. In the worst cases, they are life-threatening. The cost of treatment has soared to $25 billion each year. So far, however, solutions for treating chronic …

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Healing Skeletal Injuries With Synthetic Bones

Jones Fractures May Be More Stable With Metal Plates

According to a study published in the journal Science Advances, scientists have found a way to combine a bone substitute with drugs to regenerate bone and heal severe fractures in the thigh or shin bone. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden, in collaboration with colleagues in Dresden, Germany, have developed a way of combining a …

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HIV Kill Switch Clears Out Dormant Virus

HIV Kill Switch Clears Out Dormant Virus

Recent research from the University of California may have discovered a potential new target in the battle against HIV; testing may have identified a cellular switch that can be turned off to clear out the dormant virus inside of cells. Those who have contracted the virus currently have to undergo lifelong antiretroviral therapy to suppress …

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Photobiomodulation For Brain Disorders

Photobiomodulation For Brain Disorders

In general the brain is an organ system of the body that is most necessary to life without optimum functioning is most worrisome; there is evidence suggesting and supporting use of PMB for treating brain disorders; photobiomodulation is the noninvasive use of red or near infrared light to stimulate, regenerate, heal, and protect tissue that …

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