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A Senior's Guide to Managing Your Physical and Mental Health

A Senior's Guide to Managing Your Physical and Mental Health

Investing in your health becomes even more important as you age. People are at a greater risk of certain ailments as they get older, from diabetes to high blood pressure. To minimize the risk and ensure you can live your healthiest, happiest life, it’s important to take care of yourself. Here are some practical and …

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Supplements That May Benefit Sexual Health And Libido

STDs: An Alarming Lack Of Knowledge

Low sex drive can have many causes including emotional health, physical health, mental health, and hormonal changes. Sometimes to boost your libido you will only need to make some minor lifestyle changes, but other times you may need to seek professional help.  If you are looking to explore DIY approaches before seeking professional guidance, there …

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Triggers That Make People Take Their Health More Seriously

Triggers That Make People Take Their Health More Seriously

Let’s face it, visiting their doctor isn’t something that most people look forward to. Getting a child to go without a struggle is hard enough but when they become teenagers it is even harder, and this trend typically continues into adulthood. Not surprisingly, according to a random double opt-in survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf …

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Worse Biological Health Linked To Financial Stress

Worse Biological Health Linked To Financial Stress

Those who experience stressful life events or circumstances are more likely to have worse biological health as indicated by biomarkers that are involved in the interaction between the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems, according to research from University College London (UCL) published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity.  The study found that not only …

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Are Your New Year Goals Attainable?

Are Your New Year Goals Attainable?

New Year’s resolutions vary from person to person, which could be giving up smoking, being more positive, learning a new language, taking up a hobby, learning an instrument, or traveling somewhere exotic, but most of the time resolutions tend to revolve around self-improvement. However, according to a random double opt-in survey conducted by OnePoll on …

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Bridging the Digital Gap for Senior Health and Happiness

Protecting Lone Workers in the Home Healthcare Industry

The world’s population is aging rapidly. By 2030, the World Health Organization estimates that 1 in 6 people will be over the age of 60. The over-60 population is also expected to double in the next 30 years as access to healthcare improves. The rapid rise in average age is a sign that our healthcare …

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Hearing Aids May Reduce The Risk Of Early Death

Hearing Aids May Reduce The Risk Of Early Death

Adults experiencing hearing loss who regularly use hearing aids have a 24% lower risk of death than those who never wear them, according to a new study from the University of Southern California (USC) published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity suggesting that hearing aids may play a protective role in the health of those with …

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Strategies For Seniors To Achieve Financial Mental Health

Strategies For Seniors To Achieve Financial Mental Health

As seniors navigate their retirement years, they need to prioritize not only their financial well-being but also their mental health. Achieving financial stability and peace of mind can significantly contribute to a sense of security and overall well-being. Seniors who are under financial stress may exhibit symptoms like worry, despair, and sadness, according to Blue …

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Eating For Health And Longevity

Eating For Health And Longevity

Despite mountains of research, most people really don’t understand just how important nutrition is, good nutrition is a critical part of health and development, and better nutrition is related to improved health at all ages and walks of life, a lower risk of disease, and happier longevity. Apart from simply being too lazy to bother, …

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New Interactive Forum

New Interactive Forum

Share wisdom and opinion with hundreds of thousands of health care practitioners, anti-aging physicians and scientists worldwide. Lead the healthcare revolution! Create an international community. Your voice will be heard! Join us, the new forum is now online! I am very proud to announce the next great step for the advancement of anti-aging medicine. The …

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