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Self-Compassion May Help Achieve Weight Goals

Mindfulness May Help Reduce Opioid Cravings & Reduce Pain

Weight loss and maintenance can be hard, people typically blame themselves for not having strong enough willpower. It seems as if everywhere we look, we are surrounded by food, which makes maintaining or losing weight extremely difficult because all this delicious and most often high-calorie food is so very easily accessible. Experiencing setbacks in a …

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Menopause Belly: Battling The Bulge

Menopause Belly: Battling The Bulge

Fighting belly fat is not exactly easy for anyone, but menopause can take it to another level with challenging hormonal changes occurring that can lead to extra weight around the middle, but there are ways to battle the “menopot” unwanted weight gain.  A lot of people feel as if weight gain is rather inevitable once …

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Healthful Longevity Promoting Secrets Of SuperAgers

Healthful Longevity Promoting Secrets Of SuperAgers

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia is increasing with an aging population, as such researchers are looking to find approaches that help protect us as we age. Studies suggest that an exclusive group called SuperAgers may hold clues to learning more about aging and age-related health issues. Superagers are people over the age …

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Poor diet quality during adolescence is linked to serious health risks

Teenage Obesity Increases The Risk For Cancer In Adulthood

Diet quality among adolescents in the United States is among the worst across all age groups, putting young people at risk for heart attack, stroke, and diabetes, among other cardiometabolic diseases later in life. The research brief shared in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, published by Elsevier, used the Healthy Eating Index-2015 and …

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A Few Herbs And Spices With Potent Prevention Profiles

Adaptogens To Help Relieve Stress

When it comes to herbs and spices, adding a splash of this and a dash of that can transform almost any bland dish into something scrumptious, but adding that zing to your meal may also help you to ward off certain cancers. Yes, food can be medicine, and prevention is always better than cure.  From …

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Preparing For Cold And Flu Season

How to Build a Stronger Immune System with Nutrition

It’s that time of year again when you hear coughs and sneezes and find yourself wondering if that person is suffering from more than just allergies or if they might have a seasonal cold or flu bug. Yes, it is true, despite what some people would have you believe, not everything is the COVID-ick. Common …

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Maintaining Lifestyle Changes During Temptation Season

Maintaining Lifestyle Changes During Temptation Season

Temptation Season is upon us once more. All of those delectable smells and tantalizing culinary sights seem to be like a mythical Siren trying their best to lure us to eat more. Outside has changed to be a little less inviting with its darker and cooler days prompting us to stay inside more. But when …

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Eating For Health And Longevity

Eating For Health And Longevity

Despite mountains of research, most people really don’t understand just how important nutrition is, good nutrition is a critical part of health and development, and better nutrition is related to improved health at all ages and walks of life, a lower risk of disease, and happier longevity. Apart from simply being too lazy to bother, …

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Enjoying A Heart Healthy Holiday Season

Enjoying A Heart Healthy Holiday Season

The Holiday Season is a time of celebration for many people; however, many people take this time to do things in excess. For people trying to maintain their health journeys, holiday eating can be pretty tough to navigate, and some are wondering if they can resist the temptation to indulge, stay within reason, or stick fast …

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It’s Never Too Late: Simple Healthful Lifestyle Changes Can Make A Difference

It’s Never Too Late: Simple Healthful Lifestyle Changes Can Make A Difference

Just because your biological clock may be ticking doesn’t mean that you have to age unhealthy, with a few healthful lifestyle changes and a little work you can improve your health to have a longer and better quality of life. Sorry folks, there are no shortcuts.  Anti-aging research such as the study in which WHN/A4M …

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