Since 1996 WHN is the second oldest medical website on the net, second only to the American Medical Association, servicing over 35,000 physicians and scientists worldwide.

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Healthful Lifestyle Modifications Improve Health And Well-Being

Prescribing Behavioral Changes: Lifestyle Medicine

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) and (WHN) co-founders Robert Goldman and Ronald Klatz were recently involved in this study along with Gary Null, Luanne Pennesi, and Richard Gale of the Nutrition Institute of America, and William Faloon and Scott Fogle of the Life Extension Foundation.  The study published in the HSOA Journal …

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Harnessing Wellness With Niagen Supplements

Harnessing Wellness With Niagen Supplements

We all want to stay in good shape and remain happy as we age. Sadly, this isn’t always the case, as aging affects our well-being in many ways, from how we think and act to relating with others. The good news is that there’s a solution in the form of making healthful lifestyle changes and …

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People Are Undoing The Benefits Of Healthy Meals With Unhealthy Snacks

People Are Undoing The Benefits Of Healthy Meals With Unhealthy Snacks

Many people are undoing the benefits of healthy meals with unhealthy snacks, which increases the risk of strokes and cardiovascular disease. A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition describes the snacking habits of 854 people enrolled in the ZOE PREDICT Study, finding that the participants were not matching their healthy meals with healthful …

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These Habits May Help To Extend Your Longevity By Decades

Can 7 Healthy Habits Now Reduce The Risk Of Dementia Later In Life?

Eight healthy habits have been identified that are suggested to help people extend their lifespan by decades if they start doing by the time they turn 40. The study which was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition: NUTRITION 2023, found that men who integrated all eight habits by their 40th …

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Walkable Neighborhoods May Boost Health And Social Life

Tips To Staying Active And Social As You Age

According to research published in the journal Health & Place conducted by researchers at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science at the University of California San Diego, adults living in walkable neighborhoods are more likely to interact with their neighbors and develop a stronger sense of community that those who …

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“Superfoods” To Consider After Leveling Up To 50

The Surprising Superfood No One Talks About: A Cardiologist Explains

Whether you have been eating healthy your whole life or you have been kind of hit or miss nutrition-wise, once you have had 50 level-ups it’s probably a good time to take a good and hard look at your dietary habits. At the half-century mark, most experts suggest that it pays to be more healthful …

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Centenarians Possess Unique Immunity That Helps Them Achieve Exceptional Longevity

'Healthspan' increasing even for people with common chronic conditions

There are approximately 30 trillion cells in a human body and our health is predicated on them properly interacting with and supporting each other, with the immune system playing a particularly pivotal role. One of the defining characteristics of aging is a decline in the proper functioning of our immune system. Centenarians, a rare population …

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A Middle-Aged Centimillionaire’s Quest To Be 18 Again

Simple Steps to Help Slow Down Aging

Centimillionaire Bryan Johnson and his team of 30+ doctors say that they have a plan to reboot his body with a strict anti-aging routine. Results thus far are positive, however, they admit that this plan is not attainable for the average person.  He is not the first person to admit to spending a massive amount …

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Lifestyle Changes That Could Add Years To Your Life

Over Half Of Americans Admit To Not Living A Healthy Lifestyle

Your biological clock may be ticking, but that doesn’t mean you have to age unhealthy, it just takes a little work which can improve your health and represents a longer and better quality of life.  Many people have a negative concept of aging, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Perhaps the most common …

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How better planning, behavior regulation may lead to eating less fat

Strategies To Help Slow Stress Eating

New research suggests coaching overweight or obese pregnant women to improve their ability to plan and make progress toward goals may be key to helping them lower the amount of fat in their diet. Maternal diet quality affects prenatal development and long-term child health outcomes, but the stress that typically increases during pregnancy — often …

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