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Nordic Diet Could Hold Key To Instilling Healthier Eating Habits In Babies, Study Finds

Nordic Diet Lowers Cholesterol And Blood Sugar – Even If You Don't Lose Weight

Starting babies and toddlers on a lower protein Nordic-style diet with a greater focus on plant-based food may be the key to healthier eating habits, according to new research1 being presented today at the 54th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN). Babies fed taster portions of the new …

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“Happy Wife, Happy Life” = Longer Life

“Happy Wife, Happy Life” = Longer Life

As it turns out that age old saying of “happy wife, happy life” was on the right track, as a new study shows having a happy spouse is linked to greater longevity, as published in the journal Psychological Science. Spouse satisfaction in life predicted a person’s lifespan even more that it did their own overall …

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