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Calcium Slashes Men’s Risks of Death

Dairy Defends Against Stroke

Large-scale Swedish study finds that men with higher intakes of calcium are at markedly reduced risks of death from heart disease. Previous studies have reported a heart health-promoting effect of calcium, with researchers finding that the mineral may lower blood pressure and thereby reduce the risk of hypertension. Joanna Kaluza, from Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), and …

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Happy Disposition May Promote Heart Health

Happy Disposition May Promote Heart Health

People who find joy, excitement, and contentment in their daily lives may be protected from cardiovascular disease. In that positive affect, a measure of happiness, is believed to predict cardiovascular health independent of negative affect, Karina W. Davidson, from Columbia University Medical Center (New York, USA), and colleagues examined the association between positive affect and …

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Migraine May Increase Cardiovascular Risks


People who suffer from migraines may be at an increased risk of heart attack and other risk factors for heart disease. In an effort to explore the relationship between migraine and cardiovascular disease (CVD), Marcelo E. Bigal, from Albert Einstein College of Medicine (New York, USA), and colleagues studied 6,102 people with migraine and 5,243 …

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Increased Vitamin D Levels May Reduce Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes

Score More with Exercise on the Shore

UK researchers find that middle aged and elderly people with high levels of vitamin D reduce their chances of developing heart disease or diabetes by 43%. Previous studies have suggested a potential association between abnormal vitamin D levels and cardiometabolic disorders including heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Johanna Parker, from University of Warwick (United …

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Childhood Obesity May Be Primary Risk Factor for Adult Cardiovascular Disease


By as early as 7 years of age, being obese may raise a child’s risk of future heart disease and stroke, even in the absence of other cardiovascular risk factors. Metabolic Syndrome is a group of health risk factors that are associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes.  Factors include enlarged waist circumference, high blood pressure, …

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Consumers Urged to Slash Copper and Iron Intake


University of Michigan (US) researchers warn men and women ages 50-plus to limit their intake of copper and iron, as buildup of these metals in the blood is linked to Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and other age-related disorders. Writing that: “Copper and iron are essential but also toxic metals. [T]heir toxicities are so general in …

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Stressed People At Greater Risk for Heart Attacks


UK researchers identify the underlying mechanism by which psychological stresses contribute to coronary heart disease. In that psychosocial stress is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD), the mechanism has not been well understood.  Avijit Lahirdi, ,from University College London (United Kingdom), and colleagues studied 514 men and women, average age 62 years, none …

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For Men, Sex Twice a Week Slashes Risk of Heart Disease


Data from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (US) suggests that men who have sex at least two times a week may cut their risks of heart disease by 50%. New England Research Institute (Massachusetts, USA) researchers studied the role of sexual activity on cardiovascular disease (CVD).  Studying data from men participating in the Massachusetts Male …

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