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Study: Taller Adults May Be At Increased Risk For Colorectal Cancer

More young adults are getting colorectal cancer — So why won’t insurance pay for screenings?

A new meta-analysis, or data examination of several independent studies, by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers, adds to evidence that taller adults may be more likely than shorter ones to develop colorectal cancer or colon polyps that can later become malignant. While the association between taller height and colorectal cancer has been previously investigated, the Johns …

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Global Study Finds That Teens With Poor Diets Are Shorter

Over One Third Of The Poorest Countries Face Undernutrition & Obesity

Teenagers can be up to 20cm shorter when they have a poor diet according to a recent global study led by Imperial College London: 19-year-old women in Bangladesh and Guatemala are the same height on average as 11-year-old girls in the Netherlands.  Inadequate nutrition may have contributed to the shortness of the 19-year-olds in South …

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The Link Between Height and Longevity Explored


The way we live directly affects the human body as well as the human lifespan. Research conducted over the past 30 years confirms that there is a clear link between height and longevity. By exploring the links between nutrition and economic development in Europe and North America since the early-1700s, the researchers linked the changing …

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