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Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab: Which Is More Effective?

What Is Chronic Drug Relapse?

Even before the coronavirus pandemic occurred, the number of people in the U.S. age 18 and older with at least one substance use disorder (SUD) was estimated to be over 20 million.  Since the dawn of the pandemic, researchers have noted increases in substance use disorders and drug overdoses. With those statistics in mind, the …

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The Deadly Risk of Mixing Benzos With Opioids

Is Tramadol Safer Than Other Opioids?

Any time substance users mix drugs, they create an extra risk to an already dangerous problem. Sometimes people do this to offset the negative side effects of one drug. Other times, they try to increase the intensity of both drugs. Two of the most potent drug classes on the market and the streets are benzodiazepines …

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Is Tramadol Safer Than Other Opioids?

Is Tramadol Safer Than Other Opioids?

The deadly results of people using highly potent opioids like fentanyl and heroin dominate the news regularly. But these drugs are only a fraction of the kinds of opioids available today. Tramadol is one example of a lesser-known opioid, but how does it compare to others? Does it carry the same risk of abuse and …

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The Speedball: How Mixing Heroin and Cocaine Damages the Brain

New Cell Therapy Reduced Epilepsy & Improved Memory

Uppers and downers are broad terms used to describe different kinds of drugs. Uppers are stimulant drugs, including cocaine and other substances that “stimulate” the body. In contrast, downers have a slow and lowering effect on the body. Many people commonly identify downers, such as benzos and sedatives, as depressant drugs. But downers can also …

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Olinvyk: What This New Opioid Teaches Us About Drug Addiction Risks

Olinvyk: What This New Opioid Teaches Us About Drug Addiction Risks

At the close of the 20th century, widespread opioid use was commonplace, thanks to high rates of drug prescriptions. Even though opioids such as morphine have an established history in medical treatment that dates back as far as the U.S. Civil War, pharmaceutical companies in the 1990s assured the medical community that modern opioids were …

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Comparing Suboxone and Methadone for Opioid Addiction: Which One Is Safer?

Opioid Addiction Awareness

With deadly drugs like fentanyl dominating the black market today, it appears the opioid epidemic is far from over. With this potent opioid finding its way into all varieties of illicit drug use because of drug cutting, addiction to opioids is no longer a question of whether someone explicitly uses the main culprits like heroin, …

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Fentanyl: A Deadly Opioid Hiding in Plain Sight

Fentanyl: A Deadly Opioid Hiding in Plain Sight

Within the last six years, drug overdose deaths in the United States have more than doubled. In 2021, the numbers have exceeded 100,000 for the first time in this nation’s history. And while these death tolls are made up of a number of different drugs, researchers and epidemiologists are pointing to one drug as the …

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Heroin and Running | Understanding the Reward System of the Brain

The Brain May Not Reach Full Adulthood Until 30

What’s so great about running? If you ask that question to runners, you’ll get a consistent answer: It’s rewarding. But what if we asked that same question about a different topic? This time, what’s so great about heroin? It might not surprise you that the answer given by heroin users is the same as runners. …

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CBDs May Be An Effective Treatment For Heroin & Opioid Addiction

Ying Yang: The Second Cannabinoid Receptor

Cannabidiol can make it easier for people to overcome addiction to heroin or opioids according to a study from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, results showed CBDs reduced anxiety and cue induced cravings, as published in the American Journal of Psychiatry. Addiction related overdoses have surpassed gun related deaths within the United …

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