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Obesity “Dismantles” Mitochondria

Obesity “Dismantles” Mitochondria

The rates of obesity have nearly tripled since 1975, this alarming shift has resulted in a worldwide epidemic. Most certainly lifestyle factors such as diet, nutrition, exercise, physical activity, and sedentary time play critical roles in both the development and progress of obesity, but scientists have to understand that obesity is also associated with intrinsic …

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Pecans May Help To Prevent Inflammation And Obesity

Pecans May Help To Prevent Inflammation And Obesity

Image Caption: A new research study shows pecans may help prevent obesity and reduce inflammation. Image Credit: Texas A&M AgriLife/ Laura McKenzie An interdisciplinary collaborative study published in MDPI suggests that the daily consumption of pecans may help to prevent obesity as well as reduce inflammation that leads to associated health issues such as diabetes …

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Insect Protein May Slow Weight Gain

Insects Aren’t Just Icky, Studies Suggest They Are Nutritious

Plant-based and animal-based products are not the only sources of protein, and plant-based options are not the only environmentally friendly alternatives. Despite the obvious yuck factor, insects might be a sustainable source of protein in the future.  While most Western societies may be repulsed by the thought of crunching on crickets or mealworms, research suggests …

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How chronic stress drives the brain to crave comfort food

High Fat Diet and Gut Bacteria Linked To Insulin Resistance

When you’re stressed, a high-calorie snack may seem like a comforting go-to. But this combination has an unhealthy downside. According to Sydney scientists, stress combined with calorie-dense ‘comfort’ food creates changes in the brain that drive more eating, boost cravings for sweet, highly palatable food and lead to excess weight gain.  A team from the …

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Why A High Fat Diet Could Reduce The Brain's Ability To Regulate Food Intake

Research Reveals How Brain Inflammation May Link Alzheimer's Risk, Sleep Disturbance

Regularly eating a highly palatable high-fat/calorie diet could reduce the brain’s ability to regulate calorie intake. New research in rats published in The Journal of Physiology found that after short periods of being fed a high-fat/high-calorie diet, the brain adapts to react to what is being ingested and reduces the amount of food eaten to …

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Diet high in saturated fat can reprogram immune cells in mice

High Fat Diet and Gut Bacteria Linked To Insulin Resistance

A new study by Portland State University researchers is the first to show that eating a diet exclusively high in saturated fats can reprogram the mouse immune system, making it better able to fight off infection but more susceptible to systemic inflammatory conditions, including sepsis. Brooke Napier, assistant professor of biology at PSU, led the …

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High-Fat Diets Trigger Inflammatory Immune Cell Generation In Bone

Typical Western Diet May Impair Brain Function

Scientists have shown that high-fat diets can cause rapid changes in the bone marrow of mice, driving the production of inflammatory immune cells, according to findings published in eLife. The results may help explain how high-fat diets (HFD) trigger inflammation, which can contribute to the development of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and other complications …

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Sugar Disrupts Microbiome, Eliminates Protection Against Obesity And Diabetes

Will Removing Sugar From The Diet Starve Cancer Cells?

A study of mice found that dietary sugar alters the gut microbiome, setting off a chain of events that leads to metabolic disease, pre-diabetes, and weight gain. The findings, published today in Cell, suggest that diet matters, but an optimal microbiome is equally important for the prevention of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity. Diet alters …

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Obesity: A Dangerous Immune Response

Lifestyle More Likely To Affect A Child’s BMI Than The Weight Of Their Mother

An unhealthy diet leads to the fatal activation of immune cells. A team of researchers from LMU, in collaboration with the Harvard Medical School in Boston, has uncovered new molecular influences. Being overweight and obesity are among the biggest health challenges of the 21st century, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Almost 60 percent …

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Genes That Cause Obesity Discovered

New Disease Associated With Viral Family

Promising news in the effort to develop drugs to treat obesity: University of Virginia scientists have identified 14 genes that can cause and three that can prevent weight gain. The findings pave the way for treatments to combat a health problem that affects more than 40% of American adults. “We know of hundreds of gene …

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