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Gut Bacteria Can Process Dietary Fiber into an Anti-Allergy Weapon, Finds New Study

Gut Bacteria Can Process Dietary Fiber into an Anti-Allergy Weapon, Finds New Study

The intricate relationship that exists between humans and the gut microbiome has become a hot research topic, and scientists are constantly uncovering new reasons why a healthy diet can lead to a healthier life. Dietary fibers are a particularly important aspect of this connection. When we ingest these compounds, which are mainly found in plant-based …

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Scientists Identify A Culprit For Chronic Itch

Promise For Psoriasis Gene Therapy

An immune substance called oncostatin M was found to sensitize and enhance the activity of itch-sensing neurons. A drug that blocks oncostatin M activity reduced scratching in a mouse model of chronic itch, suggesting a treatment strategy for persistent itchy skin conditions. Chronic itch is a common yet hard-to-treat symptom of many inflammatory skin conditions, …

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Understanding and Mastering Inflammation

Understanding and Mastering Inflammation

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. To be a good student of the human body and health, it is important to …

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Histamine- What Are You Doing To Me?

Doctor’s Caution On Sneezing With Closing Both Mouth & Nose

Have you ever walked into a friend’s home and started to sneeze, or got itchy eyes, and then found out that your friend has cats? Are you able to tell what trees are in season because your nose gets congested and you have problems breathing? Do you have to scan ingredient lists, or ask about …

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Common Environmental Bacteria May Spur Allergic Inflammation

Common Environmental Bacteria May Spur Allergic Inflammation

Certain strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cause white blood cells to produce very high levels of histamine, which in turn leads to inflammation, a hallmark symptom of asthma. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common bacterium found in soil, water, skin flora, and most man-made environments throughout the world. University of California/San Francisco (UCSF; California, USA) researchers have …

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