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The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

A Look Inside the Exclusive World of Elite Longevity Clinics The field of longevity medicine is experiencing a surge in growth, with a focus on health optimization, disease prevention, and the desire to combat aging gaining momentum across the population. This pursuit of longevity has particularly captured the attention of the wealthy, as evidenced by …

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Holistic Health: Effective Strategies for Achieving Weight Loss and Overall Wellness

Holistic Health: Effective Strategies for Achieving Weight Loss and Overall Wellness

Achieving weight loss and overall wellness is a multifaceted journey that extends beyond mere diet and exercise. Embracing a holistic approach can lead to sustainable and long-term success, integrating physical, mental, and emotional health. This article explores effective strategies that can help you achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Weight Loss and Overall Wellness: Understanding Holistic …

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Exploring Chiropractic Care: A Path to Natural Health and Enhanced Well-being

Exploring Chiropractic Care: A Path to Natural Health and Enhanced Well-being

Key Takeaways Chiropractic care has a solid historical foundation and is backed by modern scientific research. It provides numerous benefits for pain relief, posture improvement, and overall well-being. Choosing the right chiropractor and incorporating lifestyle adjustments is crucial for the best outcomes. Chiropractic care is a natural and effective way to restore the body’s balance …

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Meeting the Healthcare Needs of Aging Populations: Primary Care Strategies

Aging In Place With AgeTech

Understanding the Challenge of Demographic Shifts: Aging Populations One of the most significant demographic shifts in recent decades is the aging of populations worldwide. Advancements in healthcare and improved living conditions have led to longer life expectancies, resulting in a larger proportion of elderly individuals in society. In the United States alone, the number of …

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Examining the Role of Genetics and Epigenetics in Mental Health Disorders

Examining the Role of Genetics and Epigenetics in Mental Health Disorders

Have you ever wondered about the role your genes play in your mental health? It’s a rapidly evolving field and more intriguing than you might think. Genetics and epigenetics in mental health disorders are like pieces of a complex puzzle. Like scientists identify genetic markers linked to lifespan, they also uncover how our genetic makeup …

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Holistic Healing: A Guide to Long-Term Health After Injury

Traumatic brain injury strikes 1 in 8 older Americans

It’s always tough to sustain an injury, but healing and getting past it is vital. It may take time, but you’ll get there with the right mindset and dedication to getting better. After you take your time to heal, think about what you can do going forward to preserve your health and feel better overall. …

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Diabetes Remission And Weight Loss

Diabetes Remission And Weight Loss

Few patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (T2D) are able to achieve normal blood glucose levels through weight loss alone, according to a recent study published in the open-access journal PLOS Medicine led by Andrea Luk of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  This study involved 37,326 people who were newly diagnosed with T2D and …

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The Vegan Cardiologist on a Mission to Prevent Million Heart Attacks: Meet Joel Kahn


Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. He shared a recent interview to bring more attention to important questions and answers …

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Elevating Your Health: A Holistic Approach to Self-Improvement

Elevating Your Health: A Holistic Approach to Self-Improvement

Attaining optimal health is not just about physical exercise or a balanced diet; it’s a holistic endeavor that includes mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. It may sound like a big task, but there are simple steps you can take. In this article, we’ll explore some practices you can adopt to elevate your health through self-improvement. …

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Older adults with digestive diseases experience higher rates of loneliness, depression

Older adults with digestive diseases experience higher rates of loneliness, depression

While life expectancy rates for older Americans are rising, nearly 40% of adults report living with a digestive disease of some kind. “Many people don’t realize that these conditions are very common in ambulatory care,” said Michigan Medicine gastroenterologist Shirley Ann Cohen-Mekelburg, M.D., who specializes in conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative …

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