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You May Be Exercising At Home Without Realizing It

Long-lasting Disinfectant Promises to Help Fight Pandemics

Those of us who are not athletes, don’t have the drive, or are lacking in time can find it difficult to fit in exercise. Even if you are in any of these categories that doesn’t mean that working on your health via fitness is out of the question, in fact, you may be exercising and …

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Household Air Cleaners Improve Heart Health Among Individuals With COPD, Researchers Find

Study Links Poor Sleep To Increased Risk Of COPD Flare-Ups

According to a new release, a six-month study led by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers concludes that the use of portable home air purifiers can improve some markers of cardiovascular health in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. People suffering from COPD often experience shortness of breath, chest tightness, and chronic cough. Cardiovascular diseases …

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Poor diet, household chaos may impair young children’s cognitive skills

Improving Reading Skills Through Action Video Games

Poor nutrition coupled with living in a chaotic household environment may negatively affect young children’s executive functioning, the higher order cognitive skills that govern memory, attention and emotional control, researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign found. Children 18 months to 2 years old who ate greater quantities of sugary snacks and processed foods were …

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