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Humans May Have Evolved To Show Signs Of Stress To Evoke Support From Others

Women Need Hugs

Showing signs of stress could make us more likeable and prompt others to act more positively towards us, according to a new study by scientists at Nottingham Trent University and the University of Portsmouth. Showing signs of stress could make us more likeable and prompt others to act more positively towards us, according to a …

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Researchers Create Largest Human Family Tree: 27 Million Ancestors

Family Tree Shows Genetics Has Limited Influence On Longevity

Researchers from the University of Oxford’s Big Data Institute(BDI) have taken a major step towards mapping the entirety of genetic relationships among humans: a single genealogy that traces the ancestry of all of us. The study has been published in Science. The past two decades have seen extraordinary advancements in human genetic research, generating genomic …

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Consciousness In Humans, Animals, And Artificial Intelligence?

Consciousness In Humans, Animals, And Artificial Intelligence?

Image Credit: © RUB, Kramer Are animals or artificial intelligence capable of having consciousness? A new theory of consciousness provides experimental access to the study of this phenomenon. Not just in humans. Two researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have come up with a new theory of consciousness. They have long been exploring the nature of …

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Brain cell differences could be key to learning in humans and AI

AI-enabled EKGs find difference between numerical age and biological age significantly affects health

Imperial researchers have found that variability between brain cells might speed up learning and improve the performance of the brain and future artificial intelligence (AI). The new study found that by tweaking the electrical properties of individual cells in simulations of brain networks, the networks learned faster than simulations with identical cells. They also found …

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Humans Are Ready To Take Advantage Of Benevolent AI?

Robots May Be Cleaning Your Hospital Room Soon

Humans expect that AI is Benevolent and trustworthy. A new study reveals that at the same time humans are unwilling to cooperate and compromise with machines. They even exploit them. Picture yourself driving on a narrow road in the near future when suddenly another car emerges from a bend ahead. It is a self-driving car …

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Your Brain Makes You Human

Scientists Created Human-Monkey Hybrids

As many sit in recovery from the days of excess at the dinner table over the weekend here’s something else to take into consideration the next time you think about what to be thankful for, and this applies to all humanity: the evolutionary journey that provide you that big beautiful brain and your longevity.  All …

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New Disease Associated With Viral Family

New Disease Associated With Viral Family

A previously unknown family of DNA viruses has been identified by the University of Pennsylvania which is suggested to represent the second most abundant DNA virus in human lungs and mouths; it was named Redondoviridae as published in Cell Host Microbe. Elevated levels of redondovirus DNA was found in lung specimens from critically ill patients …

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