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Lonely Brains, Anti-Hunger Molecules, and the Father’s Diet: Breaking Down the Breaking News in Obesity Medicine

Lonely Brains, Anti-Hunger Molecules, and the Father’s Diet: Breaking Down the Breaking News in Obesity Medicine

As the U.S. obesity prevalence surpasses 40% in the adult population, the need for effective, long-term weight management solutions has become a national health imperative. In the quest for reliable weight loss interventions, scientists are working tirelessly to address this metabolic health crisis. Amid this challenge, a new star has risen in the form of …

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Craving snacks after a meal? It might be food-seeking neurons, not an overactive appetite

Craving snacks after a meal? It might be food-seeking neurons, not an overactive appetite

Key takeaways: A new study from UCLA researchers is the first to discover food-seeking cells in a part of a mouse’s brain usually associated with panic – but not with feeding. Activating a selective cluster of these cells kicked mice into “hot pursuit” of live and non-prey food, and showed a craving for fatty foods …

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Staying Hydrated Is Important To Your Body And Mind

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water to Start Your Day

Have you ever been tired or stressed out from a long day that you’re dragging your feet around, but then you take a big sip of cold refreshing water and find yourself immediately starting to feel better? Would you be surprised to find out that this is pretty common? According to a random double opt-in …

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‘Anti-Hunger’ Molecule May Transform Weight Loss

FDA Recalls Extended Release Metformin Due To Impurities

Weight loss that is caused by a common diabetes drug has been tied to an ‘anti-hunger’ molecule in a Stanford Medicine study published in Nature Metabolism, finding that the commonly prescribed drug stimulates the production of lac-phe which is a molecule that is found in abundance after exercising. The ‘anti-hunger’ molecule lac-phe was discovered by …

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Intermittent Fasting Helps To Improve Energy, Mood, And Hunger

Intermittent Fasting Helps To Improve Energy, Mood, And Hunger

Intermittent fasting (IF) or restricting food intake to eating within a ten-hour window and fasting for the remaining 14 hours, is associated with higher energy levels, better mood, and lower hunger levels according to a study presented at the European Nutrition Conference from King’s College London. Most advocates for intermittent fasting promote a restrictive eating …

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Do Cold Temperatures Trigger Appetite?

Pasta And Weight Loss

Do you find that you eat more when it’s cold outside? You’re not alone if you do. Now neuroscientists from Scripps Research report in Nature that they have identified the brain circuits that are responsible for making mammals want to eat more when they are exposed to cold temperatures. This discovery could lead to new …

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What Is Intuitive Eating?

What Is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating is gaining attention again, being billed as the anti-diet, and people seem to like it. The idea behind this is to prioritize listening to your body and building a more healthful relationship between yourself and food. However, it is being twisted from what it was designed for by those using it to just …

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People Are Undoing The Benefits Of Healthy Meals With Unhealthy Snacks

People Are Undoing The Benefits Of Healthy Meals With Unhealthy Snacks

Many people are undoing the benefits of healthy meals with unhealthy snacks, which increases the risk of strokes and cardiovascular disease. A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition describes the snacking habits of 854 people enrolled in the ZOE PREDICT Study, finding that the participants were not matching their healthy meals with healthful …

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Size Of Hypothalamus May Explain Why Some People Become Obese

The feeling of hunger itself may slow aging in flies

The size of our brain control center for appetite may explain why some people become obese, according to a study from the University of Cambridge published in the journal Neuroimage: Clinical finding that the hypothalamus region is different in the brains of those who are overweight and those with obesity when compared to those with …

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The feeling of hunger itself may slow aging in flies

The feeling of hunger itself may slow aging in flies

From low-carb to intermittent fasting, surgery to Ozempic—people turn to a seemingly never-ending array of diets, procedures, and drugs to lose weight. While it has been long understood that limiting the amount of food eaten can promote healthy aging in a wide range of animals, including humans, a study from the University of Michigan has …

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