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Three-Prong Treatment Eliminates Tumors In Five Minutes

Three-Prong Treatment Eliminates Tumors In Five Minutes

To illuminate and kill cancerous tumors, researchers in China have developed a nanoplatform that non-invasively eliminates solid liver cancer tumors in mice with a single five-minute dose. The mice had no perceivable side effects and all lived at least 30 days post-treatment, a milestone marker in animal model cancer research, according to the investigators. They …

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Cell Aging Can Be Slowed By Oxidants

Speeding Up Alzheimer’s Drug Testing

At high concentrations, reactive oxygen species – known as oxidants – are harmful to cells in all organisms and have been linked to ageing. But a study from the Chalmers University of Technology has now shown that low levels of the oxidant hydrogen peroxide can stimulate an enzyme that helps slow down the ageing of …

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Warding Off Radiation Side Effects

Blocking Metastatic Cancer

Oral mucositis are a fact of life as a side effect for many head and neck cancer patients receiving radiation therapy, the inflammatory condition can’t be prevented and can only be treated once it develops, a synthetic enzyme from researchers at Galera Therapeutic is taking aim in hopes to change that. The enzyme mimetic GC4419 …

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Alternative Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide

Health Tip: Preventing Food Allergies While Dining Out

Common hydrogen peroxide is great stuff with many uses ranging from cleaning wounds to working as a deodorant, and is a dirt cheap alternative which helps to avoid high priced cleaning products as well as the chemicals they contain that some environmentally and health conscious people want to eliminate from use. Hydrogen peroxide can be …

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