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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy shows promise for opioid addiction treatment

OxyContin Maker Agrees To Billion Dollar Settlement For Role In Opioid Crisis

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may help people being treated for opioid addiction reduce their methadone dose and better manage pain and withdrawal symptoms, according to a pair of studies led by Washington State University scientists. The research team recruited participants enrolled in a local opioid treatment program to test the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, a …

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Reversal of Biological Hallmarks Responsible for Development of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Protocol

Namath Says His Brain Is Healthy Again After Oxygen Treatment

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improved cerebral blood flow by up to 23%, alleviating vascular dysfunction and amyloid burden in elderly patients. The treatment also improved memory by 16.5% according to a study published in Aging.  A team of investigators from Tel Aviv University has succeeded in restoring brain trauma by hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). This is …

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Potential for Oxygen Therapy to Reverse Biological Aging Markers

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helping Our Veteran’s Invisible Wounds Of War

Characterized by the progressive loss of physiological capacity resulting in impaired functioning and susceptibility to diseases, the biological aging process at a cellular level has two key hallmark elements: telomere length (TL) shortening and cellular senescence. A variety of therapeutic methods aimed at reversing or slowing down this process continues to be investigated while a …

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Oxygen: Scientists Claim To Reverse Aging Process

Oxygen: Scientists Claim To Reverse Aging Process

Scientists led by Tel Aviv University’s Professor Shai Efrati with a team from Shamir Medical Center claim to have successfully reversed the biological aging process using only oxygen, their findings have been published in the peer-reviewed journal Aging. According to the team when healthy adults over the age of 64 were placed in a pressurized …

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Specific Healing

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helping Our Veteran’s Invisible Wounds Of War

Oxygen is needed for us to survive and the body to function; as we breathe oxygen is brought into the lungs which is transported by red blood cells to the body to be used to produce energy and sustain life. Chronic wounds, infections, decompression sickness, carbon monoxide poisoning, and other serious conditions have been found …

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