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1 in 5 American Youths May Have Hypertension


High blood pressure (hypertension) may affect 19% of young adults in the United States. Roughly 19% of young adults in the United States may have high blood pressure.  Quynh C. Nguyen, of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (North Carolina, USA), and colleagues analyzed data collected on more than 14,000 men and women, …

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High Blood Pressure May Impair Independent Living


High blood pressure (hypertension) is linked to a greater drop in average walking speeds in older adults, potentially impacting a senior’s ability to remain functionally independent. Often, older adults experience a decline in gait speed, which potentially impacts their ability to remain functionally independent. Caterina Rosano, from the University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA), and colleagues …

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Garlic Extract Reduces High Blood Pressure

Garlic Extract Reduces High Blood Pressure

Australian researchers report that aged garlic extracts help to reduce systolic blood pressure by 10.2 mmHg. A number of previous studies report of science cardiovascular benefits of garlic. Karin Ried, from the University of Adelaide (Australia), and colleagues have found beneficial effects for aged garlic extracts in reducing high blood pressure (hypertension).  The team studied …

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Sugary Diet May Prompt High Blood Pressure


People who eat a diet high in fructose may be at increased risk of developing hypertension. With steadily rising increases fructose consumption in industrialized nations, health experts have noticed a concomitant rise in the prevalence of hypertension (high blood pressure). Diana I. Jalal, from the University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences Center (Colorado, USA), and …

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Sleep Apnea Elevates Stroke Risk


Among men, obstructive sleep apnea more than nearly triples the risk of stroke. While obstructive sleep apnea has been shown by previous studies to be linked to increased risks of hypertension and atherosclerosis,  Susan Redline, from Case Western Reserve University (Ohio, USA), and colleagues studied whether sleep apnea is associated with increased stroke risk in …

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High Blood Pressure A Predictor of Dementia in Certain Older Adults


High blood pressure may predict the progression to dementia in older adults with impaired executive functions. Whereas previous studies have identified midlife hypertension (high blood pressure) as a risk factor for dementia, the role of late-life hypertension in cognitive deterioration among older subjects with cognitive impairment has not yet been elucidated.   Shahram Oveisgharan, from University …

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Combat Strokes and Heart Attacks by Reducing Salt Intake


UCSF (US) researchers estimate that slashing daily salt intake by 3 grams a day may prevent 32,000 strokes and 54,000 heart attacks in the United States annually. Many Americans and citizens of Western countries consume an average of about 10 grams of salt a day, nearly double the recommended daily intake as per the World …

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Hypertension and Dementia Linked in Older Women


University of Pittsburgh (US) researchers find that older women with hypertension are at increased risk for developing brain lesions that cause dementia later in life. In that the small blood vessels in the brain are especially susceptible to damage from even moderately elevated blood pressure, which can cause damage to the white matter served by …

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