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Thyroid Problems Are Escalating Rapidly In The UK

Thyroid Problems Are Escalating Rapidly In The UK

Dr. Quinton Fivelman Ph.D., the Chief Scientific Officer at London Medical Laboratory, is warning that thyroid problems may be escalating rapidly in the UK population and it is likely that there is a direct link between SARS-CoV-2 and abnormal thyroid function. While the average global incidence of thyroid problems in the population is only around …

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The Connection Between Thyroid Disease and Mental Health

The Connection Between Thyroid Disease and Mental Health

The end of January marks the conclusion of Thyroid Awareness Month, which aims to spread awareness of the thyroid conditions affecting over 20 million Americans. At present, many individuals live with undetected thyroid disease – up to 60% of patients are unaware of their condition. While the underlying causes of thyroid disease remain largely unknown, …

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Overactive Thyroid Linked to Stroke Risk


Adults ages 45 years or younger with hyperthyroidism are at 44% increased risk of ischemic stroke. While that previous studies have reported an association between hyperthyroidism and cerebrovascular disease, hyperthyroidism has never been considered as a potential risk factor for stroke in people in their 40s.   Jau-Jiuan Sheu, from Taipei Medical University (Taiwan), and colleagues …

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