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Uncovering a cellular process that leads to inflammation

Uncovering a cellular process that leads to inflammation

Image: The colored areas in this microscopic image show the presence and density of VDAC channels on a cell’s mitochondria. Photo Credit: Sung Hoon Baik, Ph.D., and Cedars-Sinai. Cedars-Sinai investigators have identified several steps in a cellular process responsible for triggering one of the body’s important inflammatory responses. Their findings, published in the peer-reviewed journal …

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Halting Excessive Inflammation

Halting Excessive Inflammation

RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences researchers have discovered a new way to ‘put the brakes” on excessive inflammation by regulating a type of white blood cell that is critical for our immune system. The discovery has the potential to protect the body from unchecked damage caused by inflammatory diseases. The paper, led by …

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