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Upwards Of 3 Billion People Live With Neurological Disorders

New study reveals latest data on global burden of cardiovascular disease

In alarming news, an international team of researchers report a significant increase in both the prevalence and health impact of neurological conditions such as meningitis, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease over the past three decades. Their study, part of the Global Burden of Disease, Injury, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) published in the journal The Lancet …

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Clearing the Air: All About Airborne Viruses

Sweden’s Approach To Dealing With COVID-19

Nobody likes being sick with a virus. It can feel even worse if you get your loved ones sick, too. But you can keep your family healthier by learning ways to prevent viruses from spreading. Some viruses, like other germs, can live on surfaces. You become infected when you touch them and then touch your …

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It’s Turkey Time!

It’s Turkey Time!

Dr. Ronald Klatz, Co-founder and President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) pointed out,” Most of us don’t think that Thanksgiving can be dangerous, but it can be. Foodborne illness is as serious as a heart attack in that you can die just the same. You should also have a polite way to …

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Protecting Lone Workers in the Home Healthcare Industry

Protecting Lone Workers in the Home Healthcare Industry

Patients who cannot leave their homes due to chronic illness, disability, or age are provided medical care, emotional assistance, and companionship through in-home caregivers. However, even though these workers are caring for others they can be subject to safety and health risks because they work alone in strangers’ homes. Healthcare Industry Growth The past decade …

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Would You Prefer A 4-Day Working Week?

Forgetting Is Natural, But Learning How To Learn Can Slow It Down

Last year, 61 organisations in the UK committed to a 20% reduction in working hours for all staff for six months, with no fall in wages for 6 months between June and December 2022. The findings suggest that a four-day week significantly reduces stress and illness in the workforce, and helps with worker retention. Around …

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Compassion and Care: How to Support a Loved One With Chronic Illness

Compassion and Care: How to Support a Loved One With Chronic Illness

Chronic illnesses often come with a host of symptoms that can make everyday life exponentially more challenging. While medication can help to manage some of these, many still experience a great deal of pain and fatigue. Fortunately, there are ways to help your loved one manage their chronic illness and go the extra mile to …

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Whooping Cough: Recognize and Prevent This Serious Illness

Sorting Different Types of Coughs and Their Severity

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a serious respiratory disease that easily spreads between people. It can cause rapid and strong coughing fits that may be followed by a “whooping” sound as the person tries to breathe in. Pertussis can affect people of all ages. But babies less than a year old are especially …

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New Support For A Serotonin Deficit In Depression

Schizophrenia May Increase Dementia Risk By 2.5 Times

Since the 1960s, researchers have postulated that major depression stems from disruptions in the serotonin neurotransmitter system, but the evidence for that idea, though plentiful, was indirect. In fact, a recent comprehensive analysis of existing studies concluded that there was not strong evidence to support the “serotonin hypothesis.” In its wake, some in the field …

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Are People With Cluster Headaches More Likely To Have Other Illnesses?

Overlooked Disease: Tens Of Thousands Of People Have Problems At Work

People with cluster headaches may be more than three times more likely to have other medical conditions such as heart disease, mental disorders and other neurologic diseases, according to a study published in the December 14, 2022, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Cluster headaches are short but …

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Wipe Out Whooping Cough: Recognize and Prevent This Serious Illness

Sorting Different Types of Coughs and Their Severity

According to the NIH, whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a serious respiratory disease that easily spreads between people. It can cause rapid and strong coughing fits that may be followed by a “whooping” sound as the person tries to breathe in. Pertussis can affect people of all ages. But babies less than a …

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