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Redefining Limits: Wellness and Exercise with Limited Resources

Improve Your Quality of Life by Incorporating Yoga Into It

Taking care of your health and wellness should be among your top priorities. After all, studies suggest that folks who are healthy are 20% happier than those who are unhealthy. However, gym memberships and spin classes can be extremely expensive. Even at-home workouts, like those supplied by Peloton and Wattbike, can set you back hundreds, …

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Weight-Loss Maintainers Share Strategies for Success

The 6-Week Cure for the Middle-Aged Middle

About one in five Americans who have lost weight have kept those pounds off long-term. A new Cal Poly study powered by machine learning reveals some secrets to how people lose weight and keep it off: persevering despite setbacks; regularly looking back at what their life was like before the weight loss; and remaining focused …

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End To End Blood Testing Device

End To End Blood Testing Device

An end to end blood testing device integrating robotic phlebotomy with downstream sample processing has been developed with the ability to perform blood draws and provide diagnostic results in a fully automated fashion with the potential to expedite hospital work flow, giving practitioners more time to devote to treating patients. Rutgers University blood testing platform …

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