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Plant Fiber Compounds Help to Promote Immune Health

Plant Fiber Compounds Help to Promote Immune Health

Plant derived polysaccharides may improve the immune response, by modifying certain serum proteins. Certain studies suggest that dietary carbohydrates may have beneficial functional health effects; specifically  in-vitro and in-vivo studies have proposed that certain dietary saccharide compounds exert immunomodulatory effects, with specific compounds affecting the cellular pathway of serum protein glycosylation – an important enzymatic …

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Apples Promote Immune Health

Apples Promote Immune Health

Soluble fiber, such as pectin found in apples, may confer anti-inflammatory effects and strengthen the immune system. Chronic inflammation, linked to medical conditions including heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, and more, may be accelerated as a result of consuming diets high in fat.  Christina L. Sherry, from the University of Illinois (USA), and colleagues investigated …

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