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New Rules Of The Immune System

Scientists Conclude That It Is Unlikely To Have COVID-19 Twice

Scientists at the University of Cambridge report discovering a type of white blood cell that exists as a single large population of cells that constantly move around the body looking for and repairing damaged tissues. Their findings published in the journal Immunity overturn traditional thinking that regulatory T cells exist as multiple specialist populations which …

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The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

A Look Inside the Exclusive World of Elite Longevity Clinics The field of longevity medicine is experiencing a surge in growth, with a focus on health optimization, disease prevention, and the desire to combat aging gaining momentum across the population. This pursuit of longevity has particularly captured the attention of the wealthy, as evidenced by …

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Weight Lifting For Cognitive Health

Weight Lifting For Cognitive Health

Moving your body is one of the most important things you can do for your brain. Studies have shown that those who exercise have less risk of developing brain disorders such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease. However, it is not just cardiorespiratory exercises like aerobics, running, or dance that help to promote brain health, weight …

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Inaugural Insights for Clinical Success: Top Lessons From The A4M Weight Management Certification Program

Inaugural Insights for Clinical Success: Top Lessons From The A4M Weight Management Certification Program

Earlier this month, the first class of pioneering soon-to-be weight management experts gathered for the inaugural Clinical Weight Management Certification Program in Scottsdale, Arizona. This immersive experience was filled with insightful lectures, thought-provoking discussions, and engaging collaborative learning opportunities that left participants empowered and equipped with the critical knowledge and skills needed to navigate the …

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Golden Years Nutrition: Crafting a Healthy Diet Plan for Aging Parents

Breaking Down Food: A Closer Look at What You Eat

As we grow older, our immune systems also grow weaker. Our bone density reduces, and our risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure rises, among other health issues. The demand for diet in older people fluctuates with age, the same way, the nutritional requirements for the elderly increases. There are many variables …

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Scientists work out the effects of exercise at the cellular level

RNA that doesn't age

The health benefits of exercise are well known but new research shows that the body’s response to exercise is more complex and far-reaching than previously thought. In a study on rats, a team of scientists from across the United States has found that physical activity causes many cellular and molecular changes in all 19 of …

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Rejuvenating the immune system by depleting certain stem cells

Rejuvenating the immune system by depleting certain stem cells

At a Glance: Researchers found that depleting certain stem cells improved the immune systems of aged mice. The findings suggest that a similar treatment might be used to help protect older people against infections. The risk for serious infections rises with age, as people’s immune systems lose the ability to respond to novel infections. Part …

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Kombucha May Kick Start Fat Metabolism

Kombucha May Kick Start Fat Metabolism

Kombucha tea is a fermented drink that is made with tea, sugar, bacteria, and yeast. Supporters suggest that this beverage can help to prevent and treat a range of health conditions from weight loss to cancer and high blood pressure. Research suggests that it may provide benefits similar to probiotic supplements such as combating inflammation, …

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Could Vitamin D Be The Missing Anti-Aging Ingredient?

Could Vitamin D Be The Missing Anti-Aging Ingredient?

Humans have been on a quest to unlock the secrets of longevity to slow down aging or turn back our biological clocks for centuries, and while we haven’t found that holy grail yet, we have uncovered hints like how certain nutrients could potentially influence the biological mechanisms of aging. Vitamin D is perhaps one of …

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Microplastics make their way from the gut to other organs

Are Plastic Bottles and Packaged Foods Poisoning Your Arteries? -- YES

It’s happening every day. From our water, our food and even the air we breathe, tiny plastic particles are finding their way into many parts of our body. But what happens once those particles are inside? What do they do to our digestive system? In a recent paper published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, …

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