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Safety Glasses: When Should You Wear Them, and What Should You Look for When Buying a Pair?

Safety Glasses: When Should You Wear Them, and What Should You Look for When Buying a Pair?

Preserving your eyesight is crucial. We’ve noted that overlooking your eye health can lead to more serious issues: worsening vision, though initially correctable through eyeglasses and contact lenses, may require expensive surgery in the long run if not addressed. And, in the worst-case scenario, it can lead to vision loss. That makes it vital for …

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Skipping Your Way To Being Fit May Be Safer Than Running

Skip To The Lou

Skipping isn’t just for kids, running may help you stay in shape but it is linked to damage to the bones and joints, researchers suggest this fun activity is good for adults who wish to exercise and lessen knee pain that is caused by running.  East Carolina University and Appalachian State University researchers observed 30 …

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Rise Of The Superfit Sixties

Fat Burning Exercises

Most people think about hanging up exercise gear in their 50s never mind the 60s, but in the modern day the numbers of older health conscious people make this a different story altogether. Modern day sixtysomethings are aware that age is not a deterrent to some of the most challenging athletic goals, and a new …

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