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Shape-shifting ultrasound stickers detect post-surgical complications

Shape-shifting ultrasound stickers detect post-surgical complications

Image caption: The sticker is so small that it can fit (rolled up) inside of a syringe to be injected non-invasively. Here three variations of the sticker are displayed on a fingertip. Image Credit: Northwestern University.  Researchers led by Northwestern University and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have developed a new, first-of-its-kind …

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Transparent brain implant can read deep neural activity from the surface

Transparent brain implant can read deep neural activity from the surface

Image Caption: When placed on the surface of the brain, this thin, flexible implant enables researchers to capture high-resolution information about neural activity deep inside the brain without damaging its delicate tissue. Photo Credit: David Baillot/University of California-San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering Researchers at the University of California San Diego have developed a neural …

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4 Ways Advancements in Technology Are Improving Eye Health

4 Ways Advancements in Technology Are Improving Eye Health

Vision impairment and disability can be debilitating in a person’s daily life. From slight discomfort and inconvenience to chronic and severe pain, eye problems should be addressed as early as possible to prevent them from worsening. The CDC’s fast facts on common eye disorders point to approximately 12 million US adults having vision impairment, including …

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An implantable device could enable injection-free control of diabetes

An implantable device could enable injection-free control of diabetes

Image caption: Pictured is the device submerged in water, generating oxygen (bottom) and hydrogen (top) bubbles without the need for any batteries or wires. Image Credit: Courtesy of Claudia Liu and Dr. Siddharth Krishnan, MIT/Boston Children’s Hospital One promising approach to treating Type 1 diabetes is implanting pancreatic islet cells that can produce insulin when …

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Neuralink Gets Oked To Recruit For Human Trials

Paralyzed Patient Controls Computer Using Brain With Plug & Play System

For those who may not be aware, Neuralink Corp. is a California-based company that is working on brain implants for humans, and it was founded by Tesla, SpaceX, and X (formerly Twitter), CEO Elon Musk. The brain-computer interface (BCI) startup has recently announced that it has received approval to begin recruiting patients for its first-ever …

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Surgical and engineering innovations enable unprecedented control over every finger of a bionic hand

Surgical and engineering innovations enable unprecedented control over every finger of a bionic hand

Image Caption: Patient wearing a prosthetic arm directly attached to the skeleton and neuromuscular system, which after surgical reconstruction of his residual limb, allows him to control individual fingers of a bionic hand. Credit: Chalmers University of Technology/Anna-Lena Lundqvist. For the first time, a person with an arm amputation can manipulate each finger of a bionic hand …

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Biodegradable gel shows promise for cartilage regeneration

Biodegradable gel shows promise for cartilage regeneration

Image: Placing the hydrogel on a compression machine. Image Credit: Alex Walls Mimicking articular cartilage, found in our knee and hip joints, is challenging. This cartilage is key to smooth joint movement, and damage to it can cause pain, reduce function, and lead to arthritis. One potential solution is to implant artificial scaffolds made of …

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Brain Stimulation: Turbo Charging Memory While You Sleep


Our brains work to consolidate and strengthen our memories while we sleep, but the process of how that happens is still a topic of debate. In collaboration, researchers from Tel Aviv University and UCLA Health report discovering what may be the first physiological evidence from inside a human brain supporting a dominant theory as to …

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Custom, 3D-printed heart replicas look and pump just like the real thing

Custom, 3D-printed heart replicas look and pump just like the real thing

Image Caption: The action of the soft, robotic models can be controlled to mimic the patient’s blood-pumping ability. Image Credit: Melanie Gonick, MIT No two hearts beat alike. The size and shape of the heart can vary from one person to the next. These differences can be particularly pronounced for people living with heart disease, …

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How Can You Prepare Yourself for a Dental Implant Surgery?

Overbite Teeth: Related Health Issues, Types, & 8 Common Causes

If you have lost a permanent tooth due to decay, injury, or some other reason, consider a dental implant. Dentists always urge patients to take immediate action after losing a permanent tooth. It helps prevents problems like bite misalignment, chewing problems, loosening of teeth, and damage to your remaining teeth – due to tooth loss. …

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