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Looking To Bionic Eyesight

FDA Approved Retinal Implant to Treat Blindness

After being blind for 16 years, scientists have plugged a bionic eye directly into Bernardeta Gomez’s brain, allowing her to see again without using her biological eyes after she had a computer port surgically embedded into her skull. The vision system is being honed by neuriengineer Eduardo Fernandez in his lab at the University of …

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Medtronic’s Pacemaker Implant Gains FDA Approval

Blood Test For Heart Attacks Cleared By FDA

Medtronic’s tiny, wireless and minimally invasive pacemaker implant has gained FDA approval. It is less than one tenth of the size of traditional pacemakers and does not require the wiring of separate electrodes to run between the heart and the device; the company suggests that their device will open up pacemaker treatments options to those …

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Micro Implant May Restore Lower Body Function

Micro Implant May Restore Lower Body Function

New research published in Scientific Reports from the University of Alberta reveals a map aimed at identifying which parts of the spinal cord may trigger areas that put movement together such as the hips, ankles, toes, and knees.  Vivan Mushahwar has been working over two decades working to bring her dream of helping people to …

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Brain Cells Manipulated Using A Smartphone

Brain Cells Manipulated Using A Smartphone

As published in Nature Biomedical Engineering a device has been invented that can control neural circuits by using a tiny brain implant which can be managed by a smartphone, in a collaborative study from the Jeong group at KAIST, South Korea, and the Bruchas Lab in Seattle. According to the researchers this soft neural implant …

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BCI Enables People With Paralysis To Control Tablets

BCI Enables People With Paralysis To Control Tablets

Using tablets and other mobile computing devices is difficult for those with paralysis. Brain computer interfaces may enable those with paralysis to directly operate a tablet just by thinking about it, as published in PLOS ONE. In clinical trial three participants with tetraplegia were able to navigate through commonly used programs such as email, chat, …

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Brain Implant Reads the Mind and Turns Thoughts into Speech Instantly


First successful demonstration by Boston University (US) researchers of a permanently installed, wireless implant to amplify, convert, and sort speech signaling in the brain, and then decode the signals into commands relayed to an external speech synthesizer. The cessation of continuity of neural signal transmission from the brain to other parts of the body affects …

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