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Higher Risk Of Death Linked To Poor Sense Of Smell In Older Adults

Smelling The Smelly Smells That Are Lost

Getting your sense of smell checked my be worth considering as a new Michigan State University study has found links between poor sense of smell and a higher risk of early death in older adults, as published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. “Poor sense of smell becomes more common as people age, and …

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“Happy Wife, Happy Life” = Longer Life

“Happy Wife, Happy Life” = Longer Life

As it turns out that age old saying of “happy wife, happy life” was on the right track, as a new study shows having a happy spouse is linked to greater longevity, as published in the journal Psychological Science. Spouse satisfaction in life predicted a person’s lifespan even more that it did their own overall …

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Men With Resting Heart Rate Of 75 BPM Are Twice As Likely To Die Early

FDA Clears Prescription Only ECG Smartwatch

Having a resting heart rate of 75 bpm during middle age may double the risk of early death, according to a new study lead by Salim Barywani of the University of Gothenburg, which was published in the journal Open Heart. A resting heart rate of 75 bpm was shown to double the risk of early …

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Standing Up For Health

Standing Up For Health

Being active and working out are key to achieving optimal health, but you should also try to stand, stretch, and move around more during the day, especially if you are tied to a desk job. Sitting for hours on end can increase risks of many ailments including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. …

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Light Drinking Increases Risk Of Death

Light Drinking Increases Risk Of Death

At any age even light drinking increases risk of death, and daily drinkers have been found to be 20% more likely to die prematurely than less frequent drinkers, as published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. Washington University School of Medicine have conducted a study with findings supporting that drinking a daily glass …

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More Than 8 Hours Of Sleep May Have Risks

More Than 8 Hours Of Sleep May Have Risks

Scientists from Keele University, Leeds, East Anglia, and Manchester have conducted a worldwide study showing that people who sleep more than 8 hours a night are at increased risk of mortality and cardiovascular disease than those sleeping 7 hours or less, as published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. The study on links …

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Life Expectancy By 2030

Life Expectancy By 2030

Average life expectancy will increase globally by 2030 of at least 65% for women and 85% for men, two time points help to define when life spans within populations are extending due to improvements in maternal, child health, and improved adult health, as published in the Lancet. In Europe French and Swiss women are being …

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Bacterial Epidemics Increased By Dietary Sugars

Bacterial fats may be the blame for heart disease

A team of researchers conducted a study suggesting that there is a link between the severity and frequency of occurrences caused by the bacterium clostridium difficile to the commonly used food additive trehalose. A team of researchers conducted a study suggesting that there is a link between the severity and frequency of occurrences caused by …

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