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Turmeric May Be Effective For Indigestion

According to a study published in the journal BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, a natural compound found within the spice turmeric may be as effective as the medication called omeprazole which is used to curb excess stomach acid for treating indigestion symptoms. In addition to being used in traditional Ayurvedic Medicine in various remedies including indigestion, turmeric …

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Can Ginger Effectively And Safely Be Used To Treat Nausea?

Can Ginger Effectively And Safely Be Used To Treat Nausea?

Ginger/ginger root is the thick stem of the flowering Zingiber officinale plant native to Southeast Asia and India, which has been used as a spice with many culinary applications and medicinally for hundreds of years.  It is most often recommended for its stomach calming effects, but can ginger be used to treat nausea more naturally? …

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Could Ginseng Be Effective For Cancer?

Possible Cancer Cure Being Developed Under Scrutiny

Being diagnosed with cancer is very scary, to the fortunate finding out the type you have is treatable can be a huge relief, regardless of the long and hard rough that lies ahead with treatment. It is natural to be thankful for your life, just as it is to wish there was an easier way. …

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