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Scientists cooked pancakes, Brussels sprouts, and stir fry to detect an oxidant indoors for the first time

Scientists cooked pancakes, Brussels sprouts, and stir fry to detect an oxidant indoors for the first time

Your frying pan may be harming your health, especially when cooking meals that involve frying or sauteing, according to a new study from The University of British Columbia (UBC) published in the journal Environmental Science; finding that frying or sauteing releases brown carbon aerosols that could be impacting indoor air quality as well as your …

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Indoor Air Quality Testing: Detecting Hidden Hazards in Your Home or Workplace

Indoor Air Quality Testing: Detecting Hidden Hazards in Your Home or Workplace

In today’s world, where we spend the majority of our time indoors, ensuring good indoor air quality is paramount for our health and well-being. Environmental testing plays a crucial role in identifying and mitigating hidden hazards that may lurk in the air we breathe, both at home and in the workplace. The Importance of Environmental …

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Indoor Air Quality: Addressing a Public Health Issue On the Rise

Indoor Air Quality: Addressing a Public Health Issue On the Rise

Only seven countries in the world (less than four percent) had air quality levels at or below the healthy annual average recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2023, according to one report from the Swiss air quality organization IQAir. In many cases, poor outdoor air quality is fueled by environmental factors, though the …

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Functional Beauty: Adding A Splash Of Greenery To Your Indoor Spaces

Functional Beauty: Adding A Splash Of Greenery To Your Indoor Spaces

As the days become darker, colder and seemingly longer many of us find ourselves spending less time outdoors and retreating inside our homes to the warmth and comfort it provides. After some time inside many will start to feel that stuffiness inside and miss the great outdoors, but care not to venture back out into …

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How Seniors Can Harness the Healing Power of Nature

How Seniors Can Harness the Healing Power of Nature

To cultivate a healthier and more fulfilling life as we age, spending time amidst greenery can be a key strategy. Studies have revealed that just about two hours per week in natural environments like parks or forests significantly boosts health and mental wellness. This isn’t just a blanket statement; its benefits extend across various demographics, …

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How to Cleanse Your New Home from Toxins and Allergens

Don’t Forget About That Shower Curtain

Moving into a new home is an exciting life chapter full of possibilities and fresh beginnings. However, amidst the joy of a new beginning, it’s crucial to consider the quality of the air you breathe and the safety of your living space. Toxins and allergens can lurk in unexpected places, potentially affecting your health and …

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Burning candles and fumes from cooking is harmful for people with mild asthma

Can Diet Help With Asthma?

A new study from Aarhus University shows that young individuals with even mild asthma should remember to turn ventilation all the way up when cooking or burning candles. The fumes can cause irritation and inflammation in the body. A cosy set table, a nice steak in the pan, and romantic candlelight may sound like the …

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Household Air Cleaners Improve Heart Health Among Individuals With COPD, Researchers Find

Study Links Poor Sleep To Increased Risk Of COPD Flare-Ups

According to a new release, a six-month study led by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers concludes that the use of portable home air purifiers can improve some markers of cardiovascular health in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. People suffering from COPD often experience shortness of breath, chest tightness, and chronic cough. Cardiovascular diseases …

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People Generate Their Own Oxidation Field & Change The Indoor Air Chemistry Around Them

New Test To Diagnose Respiratory Viral Illnesses

People typically spend 90 percent of their lives inside, at home, at work, or in transport. Within these enclosed spaces, occupants are exposed to a multitude of chemicals from various sources, including outdoor pollutants penetrating indoors, gaseous emissions from building materials and furnishings, and products of our own activities such as cooking and cleaning. In …

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New Type Of Ultraviolet Light Makes Indoor Air As Safe As Outdoors

Will Far-UVC Light Be Able To Come To The Rescue?

A new type of ultraviolet light that is safe for people took less than 5 minutes to reduce the level of indoor airborne microbes by more than 98%, a joint study by scientists at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and the U.K. has found. Even as microbes continued to be sprayed into …

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