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Socioeconomics: Rising income inequality linked to Americans’ declining health

Changes in Wealth Tied to Changes In Cardiovascular Health

Rising levels of income inequality in the United States may be one reason that the health of Americans has been declining in recent decades, new research suggests. The study found that the level of income inequality that Americans experienced as children were linked to adult markers of health such as chronic inflammation and lung function, …

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Life Expectancy For American Men Keeps Decreasing

Life Expectancy For American Men Keeps Decreasing

It would appear as if the life expectancy for American men has peaked and it is now in a modest but steady decline since 2014, which may be driven by deaths of despair, and the rising income inequality in America influencing health comes. The average life expectancy of American men declined to 76.1 years, while …

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Sexually Transmitted Infections Are On The Rise

Sexually Transmitted Infections Are On The Rise

It appears as if we are once again living in an era of sex positivity, that is until we get positive results, which is unfortunate because STIs are on the rise. That “it won’t happen to me” attitude, and perceived shame of seeking medical advice has to be put in check. Social media is full …

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