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Rejuvenating the immune system by depleting certain stem cells

Rejuvenating the immune system by depleting certain stem cells

At a Glance: Researchers found that depleting certain stem cells improved the immune systems of aged mice. The findings suggest that a similar treatment might be used to help protect older people against infections. The risk for serious infections rises with age, as people’s immune systems lose the ability to respond to novel infections. Part …

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Appendix Pain Preventing Appendicitis Complications

Appendix Pain Preventing Appendicitis Complications

The appendix is a finger-like pouch that branches off from your large intestine. No one is sure what it does or why it evolved. But when something goes wrong, it can be dangerous. “We do know that it causes problems,” says Dr. Nicole Wilson, a pediatric surgeon at the University of Rochester. “And we do …

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Tryptophan in diet, gut bacteria protect against E. coli infection

Tryptophan in diet, gut bacteria protect against E. coli infection

Gut bacteria and a diet rich in the amino acid tryptophan can play a protective role against pathogenic E. coli, which can cause severe stomach upset, cramps, fever, intestinal bleeding and renal failure, according to a study published March 13 in Nature. The research reveals how dietary tryptophan – an amino acid found mostly in …

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Using CAR T Cell Therapy To Reverse Aging

New CAR T-Cell therapy extends remission in heavily relapsed multiple myeloma patients

Around the globe, as the population continues to age, researchers are looking for ways to help slow the aging process. Now researchers from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory have discovered that T cells can be reprogrammed to slow down and possibly even reverse aging. Using mouse models, the researchers found that T cells can be used …

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‘Leaky’ Mitochondria Can Make Us Sick And Age

Inflammation: Discovery Could Slow Down Aging

‘Leaky” mitochondria can drive harmful inflammation which is responsible for diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Now recent research published in the journal Nature Cell Biology from the University of Virginia Health System suggests that scientists may be able to develop better treatments for those diseases and improve our ability to fight off viruses and …

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Confirmed Case Of Bubonic Plague In Oregon

Confirmed Case Of Bubonic Plague In Oregon

One of the most fatal pandemics in human history was known as the Black Death, with between 75-200 million people perishing in a few years. This pandemic called the bubonic plague which was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis found in wild rodents and their fleas. Survivors are thought to have given their descendants a …

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Viral Infections Don’t Cause Neurological Damage Our Immune Responses Does

T cells can activate themselves to fight tumors

Image Credit: NIAID There is a long-held belief that acute viral infections are directly responsible for neurological damage, however, researchers from McMaster University have discovered that it is the immune system’s responses that are behind the damage, and they have published their research in Nature Communications.  “We were interested in trying to understand why so …

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Sexually Transmitted Infections Reaching Record Highs Sweeping Across Nation

Sexually Transmitted Infections Reaching Record Highs Sweeping Across Nation

The out-of-control sexually transmitted diseases/infections (STD/STI) epidemic continues to put lives at risk, new CDC data highlights the urgent need for funds to curb the rapidly increasing public health crisis. The new data shows that chlamydia and syphilis numbers have reached record highs, and that the nation is struggling to gain control of the epidemics …

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Balloon Sinuplasty: Minimally Invasive Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

Balloon Sinuplasty: Minimally Invasive Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

Sinuses protect the underlying structures, keep the skull light, and manage throat and nose health. When these air cavities in the face and skull develop infection or inflammation, you suffer from breathing and sleeping problems. Various other debilitating symptoms can also accompany them. Generally, sinusitis can be of two types: acute and chronic. Acute conditions …

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Obesity linked to detection of blood cancer precursor

Vitamin C May Help Slay Blood Cancer Stem Cells

Individuals with obesity are more likely to have monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), a benign blood condition that often precedes multiple myeloma, according to new research published in Blood Advances. Multiple myeloma is a blood cancer of the plasma cells, a type of white blood cells that produce antibodies to fight infection. MGUS, characterized …

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