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Clearing the Air: All About Airborne Viruses

Sweden’s Approach To Dealing With COVID-19

Nobody likes being sick with a virus. It can feel even worse if you get your loved ones sick, too. But you can keep your family healthier by learning ways to prevent viruses from spreading. Some viruses, like other germs, can live on surfaces. You become infected when you touch them and then touch your …

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Nanotech takes on orthopedics

Nanotech takes on orthopedics

Superior knee and hip replacements are a step closer after Flinders University and Chinese researchers further test and develop a new orthopedic implant coating that has the strong ability to ward off infection — as well as stimulate bone growth. The technology, which has been patented after more promising results just detailed in the lead …

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Gentle cleansers kill viruses as effectively as harsh soaps, study finds

D.I.Y Hand Sanitizer

Healthcare professionals often substitute alcohol-based hand sanitisers and harsh soaps for skin-friendly cleansers in order to treat or prevent irritant contact dermatitis, which develops when chemical or physical agents damage the skin surface faster than the skin can repair Incidence and severity of irritant contact dermatitis increased from 20 per cent to 80 per cent …

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Should You Worry About "Fried Rice Syndrome"?

Should You Worry About "Fried Rice Syndrome"?

Unfortunately, several years ago a person died from food poisoning from a bacterium called Bacillus cereus which was caused by consuming cooked pasta that was left at room temperature for too long, the case condition is dubbed “Fried rice syndrome.” Recently there has been panic caused on social media as the 2008 case resurfaced. The …

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Vaping After Tooth Extraction: Is It Safe?

Oral Health and Wellness: The Role of Oral Surgery in Dental Care

If you’ve recently had a tooth extracted, you may be wondering whether it’s safe to vape or if you need to take a break from your e-cigarette habit until your mouth has fully healed. Tooth removal, whether due to dental surgery, wisdom tooth extraction, or other oral procedures, requires time and care to recover properly. …

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There Is More Than One Condition That Can Stay With You For Weeks

There Is More Than One Condition That Can Stay With You For Weeks

Have you been feeling sick for weeks and can’t seem to shake it off, are you worried you have the new ick? If you fall into this group, you are not alone, but people need to remember that there is more than one condition that can linger, the common cold and flu can also persist …

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When cells go boom: study reveals inflammation-causing gene carried by millions

Marker for brain inflammation finally decoded

Researchers have found that a genetic change that increases the risk of inflammation, through a process described as ‘explosive’ cell death, is carried by up to 3% of the global population. The WEHI-led study may explain why some people have an increased chance of developing conditions like inflammatory bowel disease or suffer more severe reactions …

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Surging Rates Of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic — Is There A Connection?

Surging Rates Of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic — Is There A Connection?

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted almost every aspect of life around the globe, drastically diminishing the state of population health worldwide. One concerning trend that has emerged is a significant increase in children and adolescents diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) since the start of the pandemic. Some researchers have hypothesized that infection with severe …

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Clean, Separate, Cook, And Chill: A Cautionary Tale

IMC Has Taken The First Step To Challenge The FDA

In January 2021 an Australian woman was admitted to her local hospital after 3 weeks of suffering with abdominal pain and diarrhea which was followed by a constant dry cough, fever, and night sweats. A year later her symptoms progressed to include depression and forgetfulness which prompted a referral to get an MRI of her …

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Cruciferous Vegetables May Help Ease Lung Infections

Food Rich In Sulfur May Be Beneficial To The Body

Molecules in cruciferous veggies like cauliflower and broccoli may help to maintain a healthy barrier in the lungs and ease infection, according to recent research at Francis Crick Institute published in Nature showing that molecules in cruciferous vegetables activate AHR to target a number of genes allowing the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) to self-regulate. AHR …

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