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Daily Exposure To 'Forever Chemicals' Costs America Billions In Health Costs

Study Finds No Evidence Of Benefit In Most New Pharma Drugs

Daily exposure to a class of chemicals used in the production of many household items may lead to cancer, thyroid disease, and childhood obesity, a new study shows. The resulting economic burden is estimated to cost Americans a minimum of $5.5 billion and as much as $63 billion over the lifetime of the current population. …

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Study Discovers Gene Involved In Male Infertility

How to Detect Pregnancy and Ovulation With Home Test Kits?

Mutation in a single gene appears to account for a form of male infertility in which men fail to produce sperm, according to an international study funded in part by the National Institutes of Health. Males with the condition, known as non-obstructive azoospermia, fail to produce any sperm, even though they do not have any …

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Nutrition Experts Shows How Food Affects Hormones & Health

Nutrition Experts Shows How Food Affects Hormones & Health

Neal Barnard, MD, nutrition researcher and author has written a book that demonstrates how food can affect human hormones and health. In the book Dr. Barnard describes the science behind how common conditions such as infertility, weight gain, menopause, certain cancers, acne, and thyroid problems are all fueled by hormones that are hidden in or …

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STDs Continue To Increase In America To A Record High

STDs Continue To Increase In America To A Record High

In 2018 there were more than 2.4 million reported cases of syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea in America, and that is just the reported cases, many more cases go undiagnosed.  According to a report from the US CDC cases of the three common sexually transmitted diseases reached a new record level in 2018 within America; cases …

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Hysterosalpingography Complications

Feminine Infection Connection

Hysterosalpingography is a specialized radiological procedure used to evaluate female infertility, specifically to assess shape and function of uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, involving the use of fluoroscopy, which is an X-ray technique used in real time to visualize organs within the body.   During this technique an appropriate contrast medium is injected through catheter …

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