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Nutrient-Rich Purees: Boosting Recovery After Dental Procedures

Nutrient-Rich Purees: Boosting Recovery After Dental Procedures

Recovering from dental procedures can be challenging, especially when maintaining a nutritious diet. Managing solid foods can be difficult, and finding soft, nutrient-dense alternatives is crucial. Nutrient-rich purees offer an ideal solution, providing essential vitamins and minerals that aid healing and recovery. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of incorporating purees into your post-dental …

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Salt Intake May Explain Eczema Flares

1 in 10 Americans have eczema and experience difficult flares that can be hard to cope with. Fortunately, the over 31.6 million Americans affected by atopic dermatitis may appreciate the findings of a cross-sectional study recently published in JAMA Dermatology from the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF) suggesting that changes in daily salt intake may …

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Anti-Aging Telomere Tech

Anti-Aging Telomere Tech

Image: Microscopy image showing (green) telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of (blue) chromosomes, which play a crucial role in cellular aging. Credit: Salk Institute Scientists at the Salk Institute have debuted a new method for determining both the length and sequence of telomeres on individual chromosomes. Their breakthrough anti-aging and cancer telomere tech …

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New Rules Of The Immune System

Scientists Conclude That It Is Unlikely To Have COVID-19 Twice

Scientists at the University of Cambridge report discovering a type of white blood cell that exists as a single large population of cells that constantly move around the body looking for and repairing damaged tissues. Their findings published in the journal Immunity overturn traditional thinking that regulatory T cells exist as multiple specialist populations which …

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Therapeutic Benefits of Cupping Therapy in Modern Wellness

Therapeutic Benefits of Cupping Therapy in Modern Wellness

Are you suffering from chronic pain, muscle tension, or poor circulation? Cupping therapy might help you. It decreases your stress levels, which means it is also good for your mental health. Enhanced blood flow, reduced inflammation, and detoxifying the body – these are some of the advantages you can get from this therapy. We show …

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Metabolic physiology: New approach against fatty liver

Some People Diagnosed With Dementia May Actually Have Liver Disease

Fatty liver disease (steatotic liver disease, SLD for short) is increasingly causing failure of the liver as a vital organ. A team led by researchers from the Institute of Metabolic Physiology at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) in collaboration with the German Diabetes Centre (DDZ) and other partners has now discovered that a saturated fatty …

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Those With MS Might Avoid Cognitive Issues With A Mediterranean Diet

Those with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) who adhere to a Mediterranean Diet are less likely to show signs of cognitive impairment compared to those with the condition who don’t follow the top-ranking diet which is linked to numerous health benefits.  The study presented at the Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Boston suggests that the diet …

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Hidden Fat May Be Fueling Rapid Aging And Disease

Hidden Fat May Be Fueling Rapid Aging And Disease

Stubborn belly fat can be especially hard to lose, this type of fat can be subcutaneous (just below the skin), but it often includes visceral fat that goes deep within the abdominal cavity and surrounds our internal organs. This study published in the journal Molecular Aspects of Medicine identified another type of fat and found …

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Mediterranean Diet Linked To Lower Risk Of Death In Women

Mediterranean Diet Linked To Lower Risk Of Death In Women

The Mediterranean Diet is ranked among the best to follow for its numerous health benefits and is gaining popularity for these reasons. Now a long-term study from Mass General Brigham and Women’s Hospital published in JAMA adds to these benefits, finding that the Mediterranean Diet is linked to a lower risk of early death in …

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Weight Lifting For Cognitive Health

Weight Lifting For Cognitive Health

Moving your body is one of the most important things you can do for your brain. Studies have shown that those who exercise have less risk of developing brain disorders such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease. However, it is not just cardiorespiratory exercises like aerobics, running, or dance that help to promote brain health, weight …

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