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Tumor Cells Killed By A Calcium Storm In Promising Research

Tumor Cells Killed By A Calcium Storm In Promising Research

Most experts suggest that people enjoy most things in moderation, that is because no matter how important something is, too much of anything can be bad for you. Building on this principal, scientists from EWHA Womens University are working to kill cancer with a new drug that causes calcium to build up which basically chokes …

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Wearable Infrared Light Device Might Help People Sleep

Wearable Infrared Light Device Might Help People Sleep

Image Caption: Phototherapy Device Credit: University of Arizona An infrared light-emitting collar may help those with sleep issues obtain the sleep they are seeking, according to a press release from researchers at the University of Arizona. Participants in the study experienced significant improvements in sleep-related symptoms after three weeks of phototherapy, reporting better sleep quality, …

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Infrared Light Therapy Might Aid Dementia Patients

Infrared Light Therapy Might Aid Dementia Patients

Researchers at Durham University are working on a new infrared light therapy that might have the potential to help people with dementia. According to the team, in this research, people wear a specially adapted helmet that delivers infrared light deep into the brain for six minutes per treatment; this process stimulates mitochondria that generate most …

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Can Infrared Sauna Therapy Heal Your Health?


Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Can one of the hottest treatments to heal the heart be heat itself?  Over the …

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Engineering Nanomedicine For Noninvasive Cancer Therapy

Nano-Bot Can Probe Inside Human Cells

Glioblastoma multiforme, or glioblastoma, is the most common cancerous brain tumor originating fully in the brain, and never spreading outside of brain tissue. Although a glioblastoma is common, it’s a very aggressive tumor that currently has no known cause and no known cure. A team of researchers led by Shiren Wang, associate professor in the …

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Fired Up: Sauna Bathing Is Heating The Way To Longevity

30 Minutes Of Sauna Therapy Each Day Can Be Good For Your Heart

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. While it may seem hard work to plan a healthy diet, daily exercise, sound …

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7 Cardiologist Recommended Lifestyle Hacks To Prevent Or Reverse Heart Disease

Healthy Heart Series: Part IX

In a continued attempt to raise awareness during American Heart Month, we are sharing an article in which Sunlighten interviewed holistic cardiologist and our friend Dr. Joel Kahn. According to Dr. Kahn, more than 50% of Americans have cardiovascular disease and this staggering statistic has not changed for over 100 years. Heart health should be …

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Infrared Sauna Benefits


Healing medicines have used heat therapy for generations, technological advances have made it possible to generate heat in areas with pinpointed accuracy and the advent of infrared sauna. Infrared wavelengths penetrate the skin and cells at varying depths, with each type providing different therapeutic benefits depending on use; infrared wavelengths generate energy in 3 distinct …

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Nanotech Sensor Turns Molecular Fingerprints Into Barcodes

Nanotech Sensor Turns Molecular Fingerprints Into Barcodes

Capable of being integrated into a compact sensor chip the system can detect and analyze molecules without need for infrared spectrometer, using nanostructured metapixels to detect and translate molecule unique signatures into barcodes, opening new pathways to large scale image based detection of materials using machine learning technology, as published in Science. Benchmark for detecting …

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