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Anti-Aging Telomere Tech

Anti-Aging Telomere Tech

Image: Microscopy image showing (green) telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of (blue) chromosomes, which play a crucial role in cellular aging. Credit: Salk Institute Scientists at the Salk Institute have debuted a new method for determining both the length and sequence of telomeres on individual chromosomes. Their breakthrough anti-aging and cancer telomere tech …

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The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

A Look Inside the Exclusive World of Elite Longevity Clinics The field of longevity medicine is experiencing a surge in growth, with a focus on health optimization, disease prevention, and the desire to combat aging gaining momentum across the population. This pursuit of longevity has particularly captured the attention of the wealthy, as evidenced by …

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The Power of Participating in Clinical Trials: Benefits and Considerations

'Exceptional' results in phase III leukemia trial

Key Takeaways: Clinical trials play a crucial role in the progression of medical research and the introduction of new treatments and therapies to the market. Many people wonder why take part in clinical trials. The advantages can be significant, including access to state-of-the-art therapies and contributing to scientific understanding. Understanding the different components of clinical …

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Redefining Menopause: Promising Treatment Innovations Pave The Way

Redefining Menopause: Promising Treatment Innovations Pave The Way

Menopause marks a significant phase in a woman’s life, characterized by the cessation of menstruation and a complex array of symptoms that can profoundly impact overall well-being and quality of life. From the discomfort of hot flashes and night sweats to the emotional turbulence of mood swings and the frustration of sleep disturbances, the manifestations …

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Shape-shifting ultrasound stickers detect post-surgical complications

Shape-shifting ultrasound stickers detect post-surgical complications

Image caption: The sticker is so small that it can fit (rolled up) inside of a syringe to be injected non-invasively. Here three variations of the sticker are displayed on a fingertip. Image Credit: Northwestern University.  Researchers led by Northwestern University and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have developed a new, first-of-its-kind …

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The Evolution and Impact of Mobile Health Apps on Personal Wellness

Developing AI To Detect Heart Disease

Mobile health applications have evolved as effective tools to improve and maintain personal well-being in the fast-paced digital world, where cell phones have become an essential part of our lives. These apps take advantage of smartphones’ capabilities to offer various health-related services, such as tailored diet regimens and activity tracking. This article examines the development …

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AI-Powered Smart Socks May Help Those With Dementia Age In Place

AI-Powered Smart Socks May Help Those With Dementia Age In Place

Image Caption: SmartSocks in use at the Living Lab Imperial College London. Image Credit: Imperial College London Typically, those with dementia need assistance as the disease progresses, which can ultimately lead to moving to an assisted living facility. Researchers from the University of Exeter have designed artificial intelligence-powered smart socks that could help those with …

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Surgical and engineering innovations enable unprecedented control over every finger of a bionic hand

Surgical and engineering innovations enable unprecedented control over every finger of a bionic hand

Image Caption: Patient wearing a prosthetic arm directly attached to the skeleton and neuromuscular system, which after surgical reconstruction of his residual limb, allows him to control individual fingers of a bionic hand. Credit: Chalmers University of Technology/Anna-Lena Lundqvist. For the first time, a person with an arm amputation can manipulate each finger of a bionic hand …

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Study shows promising treatment for tinnitus

Can hearing loss be reversed? Research reveals clues that could regrow the cells that help us hear

Tinnitus, the ringing, buzzing or hissing sound of silence, varies from slightly annoying in some to utterly debilitating in others. Up to 15% of adults in the United States have tinnitus, where nearly 40% of sufferers have the condition chronically and actively seek relief. A recent study from researchers at the University of Michigan’s Kresge …

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Igniting the Change: The Spring Congress Sparks Breakthroughs in Inflammation Medicine

Igniting the Change: The Spring Congress Sparks Breakthroughs in Inflammation Medicine

Although “The Fire Inside” may have been extinguished, the glow of knowledge and inspiration continues to radiate long after the conclusion of our highly successful 31st Annual Spring Congress. Held at the luxurious Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, between May 18-20, this three-day event brought together over 2,000 innovative health professionals …

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