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Young At Heart: Centenarian Sets Running World Record

Young At Heart: Centenarian Sets Running World Record

“And if you should survive to 105, look at all you’ll derive out of being alive. And here is the best part, you’ve had a head start, if you are among the very young at heart.” Sung by Frank Sinatra. At 105 years young, Julia Hawkins, with a freshly picked flower in her hair, set …

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Scrolling Social Media May Be Ruining Your Fitness Progress

Scrolling Social Media May Be Ruining Your Fitness Progress

A randomized controlled trial published in PubMed suggests that scrolling social media before a workout may be detrimental to your progress, finding that the habit leads to a 29% decrease in workout performance due to mental fatigue.  This study investigated the possible effects of mental fatigue induced by smartphone social media use on volume load …

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Inspiration: World’s Oldest Ironman Plans To Keep Competing Into His 90s

Inspiration: World’s Oldest Ironman Plans To Keep Competing Into His 90s

At the age of 87, Hiromu Inada holds the record as being the oldest person to compete in an Ironman World Championship, and he is still peddling away on his training bike in hope of continuing to compete into his 90s.  He set the record at the age of 85 in 2018 when he went …

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