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Far from toxic, lactate rivals glucose as body's major fuel after a carbohydrate meal

Far from toxic, lactate rivals glucose as body's major fuel after a carbohydrate meal

As a student competing in track and field at his Parlier high school, Robert Leija was obsessed with how to improve his performance and, in particular, prevent the buildup of lactic acid in his muscles during training. Like many athletes, he blamed it for the performance fatigue and muscle soreness he experienced after intense workouts. …

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Why Working Nights May Raise Risk Of Obesity And Diabetes

Why Working Nights May Raise Risk Of Obesity And Diabetes

Those working night shifts may not like the results of a study recently published in the Journal of Proteome Research led by scientists from Washington State University and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory which provides new clues as to why those working night shifts are more prone to metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes.  …

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Food in sight? The liver is ready!

Emotional eating: Children as young as four eat more when bored

What happens in the body when we are hungry and see and smell food? A team of researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research has now been able to show in mice that adaptations in the liver mitochondria take place after only a few minutes. Stimulated by the activation of a group of …

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Eggs May Not Be As Bad For Your Heart As Believed

Eggs May Not Be As Bad For Your Heart As Believed

According to the American College of Cardiology (ACC), results from a prospective, controlled trial showed that over a four-month period cholesterol levels were similar among those who consumed fortified eggs most days of the week when compared to those who didn’t eat eggs. Many people hesitate to eat eggs over concerts that eating them may …

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Can the Fasting Mimicking Diet Lower Your Biological Age? The Science Says Yes

Intermittent Fasting Helps To Improve Energy, Mood, And Hunger

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. He shared a recent interview to bring more attention to important questions and answers …

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Epigenetic changes can cause type 2 diabetes

Red Meat Consumption Associated With Increased Risk Of T2D

Do epigenetic changes cause type 2 diabetes, or do the changes occur only after a person has become ill? A new study by researchers at Lund University provides increased support for the idea that epigenetic changes can cause type 2 diabetes. The researchers behind the new findings published in Nature Communications now aim to develop …

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Can 8 Weeks of a Plant Diet Lower Weight, Cholesterol, and Insulin? A Twin Study Says Yes

Can 8 Weeks of a Plant Diet Lower Weight, Cholesterol, and Insulin? A Twin Study Says Yes

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Are you considering a health upgrade for 2024? Adopting a plant-based diet of whole …

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Those With Obesity Burn Less Energy During The Day

Not Getting Enough Z’s, Look At Your PDE

Those with a healthy weight use more energy during the day, which is when most people are active and eat, however, those with obesity spend more energy during the evening when most people sleep, according to a new Oregon Health & Science University study published in the journal Obesity. The researchers also reported that during …

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High insulin levels directly linked to pancreatic cancer

Potential Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

A new study from researchers at the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Medicine reveals a direct link between high insulin levels, common among patients with obesity and Type 2 diabetes, and pancreatic cancer. The study, published in Cell Metabolism, provides the first detailed explanation of why people with obesity and Type 2 diabetes are …

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Weekly insulin injections have the potential to be as effective in diabetes management as now-common daily injection regimes

Weekly insulin injections have the potential to be as effective in diabetes management as now-common daily injection regimes

Insulin icodec, a once-weekly basal injection to treat type 1 diabetes, has the potential to be as effective in managing the condition as daily basal insulin treatments, according to research from the University of Surrey. The results of the year-long phase 3 clinical trial could revolutionise the future of diabetes care and help millions of …

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