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Fasting Proven To Boost Longevity And Prevent Disease

Fasting Proven To Boost Longevity And Prevent Disease

Fasting appears not to be just a trend in fad diets as new research has confirmed fasting may provide a myriad of health benefits such as preventing disease and supporting longevity; restricting food intake may offer discernable and desirable beneficial effects on health and well being. Calorie counting can be a helpful tool for weight …

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Testosterone Raises Insulin Sensitivity

Testosterone Raises Insulin Sensitivity

Treating hypogonadal men who have type 2 diabetes with testosterone decreases insulin resistance. Giving testosterone to men with type 2 diabetes who are deficient in the hormone improved their insulin sensitivity, reports researchers from the University of Buffalo (New York, USA).  Paresh Dandona and colleagues conducted a randomized controlled trial of 81 men with type …

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Insulin Resistance Linked to Brain Health


Reduced insulin sensitivity associates with smaller brain size and deteriorated language skills in seniors. Whereas the main hormonal function of insulin is to support the uptake and use of glucose in muscles and fat tissues, insulin that reaches the brain enhances memory function.  Christian Benedict, from Uppsala University Sweden), and colleagues studied 331 men and …

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Exercise Promotes Healthy Cellular Signals

Walking Now Common in American Lifestyle

Vigorous exercise raises osteocalcin levels, a hormone associated with bone heath, insulin sensitivity and fat stores. Exercise encourages cellular communications among bone, fat, and pancreatic cells.  Norman Pollack, from Georgia Health Sciences University (Georgia, USA), and colleagues completed a study of obese children enrolled in after-school exercise programs. The researchers found that 12 weeks of …

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Magnesium May Counter Diabetes


German team reports that magnesium supplementation may improve sensitivity to insulin and help reduce the risk of diabetes in overweight people. While magnesium is found in dietary sources such as  green, leafy vegetables, meats, starches, grains and nuts, and milk, a number of surveys suggest that many adults fail to consume the RDA for this …

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Grapefruit Compound May Intervene in Diabetes

Grapefruit Compound May Intervene in Diabetes

Grapefruit is high in naringenin, an antioxidant compound, which assists the liver to break down fat while increasing insulin sensitivity. Naringenin is an antioxidant compound present in grapefruit. Previous studies have shown the compound to have cholesterol lowering properties and may ameliorate some of the symptoms associated with diabetes. Yaakov Nahmias, from Hebrew University of …

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