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Salty Snacks: Size Matters

Salty Snacks: Size Matters

In America, estimates are that nearly a quarter of daily caloric intake comes from snacks. A recent study published in Appetite from Penn State may have implications for helping people to better understand how their eating behavior impacts calories and sodium intake, finding that the size of an individual snack piece influences both how fast …

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New study reveals that exposure to outdoor artificial light at night is associated with an increased risk of diabetes

Could Urban Lighting Raise Breast Cancer Risk for Some Women?

A new study published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes [EASD]) finds that outdoor artificial light at night (LAN) is associated with impaired blood glucose control and an increased risk of diabetes, with more than 9 million cases of the disease in Chinese adults being attributed to LAN …

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Meal Time May Help Protect Against Cognitive Decline

Vitamin E And Carotenoids May Help To Reduce The Speed Of Cognitive Decline

Meeting daily energy needs with similar meals three times a day may help to avoid cognitive decline according to a recent study published in Life Metabolism, which also demonstrated that skipping breakfast was associated with worse cognitive function and quicker cognitive decline.  Not only is most food delicious, but we need it, this is our …

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Limiting Food Intake To Daytime Shows Promising Metabolic Effects In Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

Limiting Food Intake To Daytime Shows Promising Metabolic Effects In Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

A new study published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes [EASD]) finds that following a time-restricted eating (TRE) protocol which limits food intake to a max 10-hour time window shows promising beneficial metabolic effects in adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D). The research was conducted by Prof Patrick …

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CDC Sodium Level Associated with Adverse Outcomes

CDC Sodium Level Associated with Adverse Outcomes

The sodium intake of most Americans is associated with better health outcomes than intake levels currently recommended by the government. The CDC currently recommends that healthy people under the age of 50 should consume less than 2300mg of sodium per day. For people aged 50 and over, the recommendation is less than 1500 mg/day. However, …

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Grape Consumption Correlates to Healthier Dietary Pattern

Grape Consumption Correlates to Healthier Dietary Pattern

Children and adults who consume fresh grapes, raisins and 100% grape juice tend to have healthier dietary patterns and improved nutrient intakes. Previously, nutritional scientists have reported that fruit contributes to dietary nutrient density and that the consumption of fruit in several forms (whole, dried, or 100% juice) may be associated with a healthier dietary …

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