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What?? Intense Exercise Results In More Coronary Calcification, But Keep Doing It?

Climbing Stairs To Fight Hypertension

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Physical activity and exercise training are associated with a lower risk for coronary events. …

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One-Minute Bursts Of Activity During Daily Tasks Could Prolong Your Life

Climbing Stairs To Fight Hypertension

In good news for those who don’t like playing sports or going to the gym, new research finds just three to four one-minute bursts of huffing and puffing during daily tasks is associated with large reductions in the risk of premature death, particularly from cardiovascular disease. Published in Nature Medicine today, the study is led …

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Can You Spare 420 Seconds Every Day To Help Prevent Heart Disease?

Use Of Pedometers Boost Long Term Activity

According to a study recently published in the European Heart Journal, taking a brisk walk for seven minutes every day rather than a leisurely fourteen-minute stroll is enough to cut the risk of developing heart disease. The researchers suggest that doing more exercise doesn’t really reduce your risk more from cardiovascular conditions unless you pick …

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Up to 80% of athletes who die suddenly had no symptoms or family history of heart disease

Blood Proteins May Predict Risk Of Heart Failure

According to a press release, recommendations on how to use gene testing to prevent sudden cardiac death in athletes and enable safe exercise are published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). “Genetic testing for potentially lethal variants is more accessible than ever before and this …

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Daily Power Walks May Decrease The Chance Of Early Death

Older People May Be Able To Jog Towards Being Sick Less

Simply turning a 12-minute leisurely stroll into a 7-minute power walk on a daily basis may decrease the chance of an early death by 30% according to a recent study, and adding 2 minutes of brisk walking to a 35-minute walk was found to lower the risk of early death by 21%. Fitness tracker data …

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A Few Moments Of Exercise Throughout The Day Can Prevent Damage From Extended Sitting

A Few Moments Of Exercise Throughout The Day Can Prevent Damage From Extended Sitting

Many people are looking for ways to stay healthy and fit while most places are closed during the outbreak. Staying home is leading to many people sitting for extended periods of time, even more so than when going to the office. A recent study suggests that home exercise routines with a few moments of high …

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The Case For Low Impact Exercise

Understanding how exercise affects the body

Article courtesy of Dr. Nicholas DiNubile, Vice President of the A4M, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine, best selling author, keynote speaker, and one of our medical editors who is dedicated to keeping you healthy in body, mind and spirit. Just because an exercise is low impact does not necessarily mean it is low intensity, …

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The New Smoking: Sitting?


Being active and doing less sitting is linked to living longer and healthier. Replacing 30 minutes a day of being sedentary with physical activity even at light intensity is associated with a 17% lower risk of early death, as published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Replacing 30 minutes of sitting time with 30 minutes …

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Fartlek Training Workouts

Fartlek Training Workouts

Many people use fartlek training to improve their endurance and speed among other benefits of this seemingly simple yet unique approach to exercising. This method is primarily used by runners, benefits include increased speed and endurance, improving cognitive focus, and fat burning among other benefits. Interval training is combined with continuous training which keeps intensity …

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HIT to Set Healthy Food Choices

HIT to Set Healthy Food Choices

High intensity training (HIT) appears to suppress cravings for less healthy foods. High intensity training (HIT) is an exercise program that is performed with a high level of effort, for a brief yet intense period, in an aim to stimulate the body to produce an increase in muscle strength and size. Daniel Crabtree, from the …

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